Maya came out 30 minutes later looking gorgeous as always in a yellow sundress and her hair slicked back into a half pony and nude lace up heels.

Maya came out 30 minutes later looking gorgeous as always in a yellow sundress and her hair slicked back into a half pony and nude lace up heels

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"Well damn sis, you look good! Aren't you going for lunch or you got a date?" I questioned playfully.

But she started getting nervous like she's been hiding something.

"Okay, there's this guy I met last night at a club, oh my word he is hot! We hit it off and asked to take me out in an actual date!" She squealed like the little, love struck girl she is.

I chuckled at how happy she was and just shook my head. Leave it to Maya to find a man on our first week.

"Well enjoy Yaya and do not sleep with him!"

"I won't!" She said as she mockingly slapped my arm but I was already half way out the door before she could get me. Our backyard had little steps that led to the beach and it took me exactly 15 minutes to get there. The beach was already populated with beautiful tanned strangers, a few old couples taking a walk with their dogs, some families and their children and of course young couples just being darn cute together. There were some solo people out surfing and I couldn't help but notice the slight stares I got, I guess it's rare to see a black woman around here, but they all were friendly, some guys were even nice enough to help me with my picnic basket but I'm pretty sure they were just doing it coz they want me. The beach was nice and clean but I couldn't concentrate long enough on my book because of the noise going on around me. So I decided to move further down the beach, and the further I got the fainter everyone became. I stopped when there was no noise anymore. I hadn't noticed this part of the beach before or heard of it because I obviously did my research ( I am a lawyer after all) but I wasn't mad at all. It was beautiful with clear water and bright white sand and not a noise in sight. I laid my beach blanket down and set out my sandwiches, crackers and cream, some fruit and a pint of cranberry juice. Yeah I eat alot and imma be here for a while so might as well. I was reading my book, fully invested in it so much that I didn't hear the man behind my until he was close by.

"Mi scusi signora, questa è proprietà privata."

I jumped at his words but slowly came back to my senses as I scanned him. He was okay I guess, not much to look at either than his green eyes.

"What? I don't speak Italian sir, may you please say that in English." I said as I got up to look at him properly. I quick look of annoyance flashed in his face as he reached out to grab my arm roughly. Instinct kicked in before I could think as I reached for his pinkie finger and pulling it hard enough to hear a pop, he let me go with a low grunt and next thing I knew I had a gun in my face.

"Woah, you touched me with no concent then you pull a fucking gun on me? Shoot bitch! I dare you." I screamed in anger.

I don't know where my stupidity came from but I couldn't stop myself from speaking, normally someone else would have been begging for their lives but me no I was looking this bulky man in the eye, and I guess that took him by surprise too because he looked at me with a confused expression. Just then, I heard another man's voice calling to the one who was pointing a gun at me. He looked at me one more time before he walked off. Odd. Just as I thought it was over and I sat back down about to pick up my book someone else called me. At this point I was beyond irritated so this new stranger didn't get the nicer side of me.

"What the fuck is it now? Really!" I mumbled as I got up to face the intruder to my solo picnic.

As I turned I saw a handsome, tall man with a smirk on his face.

"Excuse me signora, I'm Marco de Luca. I'm afraid you are on private property." Said very calmly.

He was a lot friendlier than the guy from before but something about him told me that there is more to him than what meets the eye.

" Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that, I'll leave I just wish I didn't have to get manhandled, the dude could have just said that instead of touching me. Now he got I dislocated pinkie." I said trying to be funny, and he chuckled a little trying to diffuse the discomfort I was in.

"My apologies about that, I will makes sure to have a word with him. " He said, bring a little too scary at the last part.

He even offered to help me get back home but I reassured him I was good. He turned to leave when I remembered I didn't give him my name.

"Oh! Sorry for my rudeness, my name is Rumi Morgan, just moved here from America, thank you for your politeness."

He smiled at me awkwardly, clearly not used to complements.

"No problem, signora"

I watched him walk away to a gorgeous mansion I didn't even notice was there.

Damn! I gotta tell Maya about this.

🌷 Character announcement!!🌷

🌷 Character announcement!!🌷

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Marco de Luca.

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