Chapter 20. Testify Part Two (Emotional Trauma)

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Bucky sat on the witness stand, took the oath to tell the truth and sat, trying not to stare at Brock Rumlow

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Bucky sat on the witness stand, took the oath to tell the truth and sat, trying not to stare at Brock Rumlow. The prosecuting attorney came up to him and smiled then nodded encouragingly.

"Please state your name and your relationship to the accused."

"James Buchanan Barnes, I go by Bucky," he replied. "Brock Rumlow was staff sergeant in the unit I was a sergeant in. We were in Afghanistan at the time."

"So, he was your superior."

"Yes, there were four other sergeants and we all reported to him," said Bucky.

"Would you please describe the events that took place on June 17, 2011, at your base in Afghanistan."

"Sergeant Rumlow stopped by my bunk and asked if I could take over a squad for Sergeant Wilson, who was sick," said Bucky. "There were reports that Taliban fighters had integrated themselves into a village. Rumlow was leading Alpha squad, Rollins Bravo squad, and I was to lead Charlie squad."

"What were you to do?"

"We would scatter ourselves through the village, knocking on doors, and if Taliban were inside to get them to shoot," said Bucky. "If they did we would evacuate the civilians from nearby then take on the house and kill the enemy combatants."

"That didn't happen on this day."

"No, Charlie squad hadn't encountered any Taliban but I heard the sound of gunfire from where Alpha squad was so I got on comms and asked Rumlow what was going on," said Bucky. "He said they had taken fire, three of his squad were injured and he needed assistance. When we got there he pointed out a house and ordered my squad to take it. I pointed out we had to evacuate civilians first but he ordered me again to take it without evacuating so I organized my squad into position and led the way into the house."

Bucky stopped and began to breathe heavily as he remembered. "Take your time Bucky," said the prosecutor. "I know this is difficult for you to recall."

"Yes, sir," said Bucky, then he took a deep cleansing breath. "Whenever I would enter a building I would aim at shoulder height or higher, going for head shots on the enemy. I did that but there were no adults in there. On the floor were two boys, both with a single gun shot wound to their temple. I remember thinking it was odd as there was no blood spatter on them or on the walls or floor, which should have been the case if I shot them. Right away I kneeled down to check their pulses but they were already dead and cold. Like they had been shot elsewhere and dumped inside the house."

"Objection," said the defence attorney. "Speculation."

"Sustained," said the judge. "Stick to the facts at hand, Mr. Barnes."

Bucky nodded. "Their bodies were definitely cold," said Bucky. "Private Warren felt them also, after Rumlow ordered him and Private Haines to take me into custody. Rumlow said I hit the wrong house but I know I didn't. Warren said he heard Rumlow say the same about which house to hit. He also said the bodies were cold. They both said they would talk to the LT, Lieutenant Rogers who was at division that day. Instead they told Sergeant Wilson."

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