Chapter 18. Reality Beckons (Violent Content, PTSD)

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Eight months later

She didn't have to open her eyes to know that he was watching her.  It was something he did every time he woke up before her, which was most of the time.  Many times she had told him he could get up and do things, that they didn't have to get out of bed together but his answer was always that he liked watching her sleep.

"Bucky," she said, opening her eyes.  "How long have you been awake this time?"

"Ten minutes, I swear," he said.  "I even went out and started the coffee maker.  So I did do something.  Are you ready to do this today?"

"Marry you?" she replied.  "I've been ready a long time.  Do you know if the last straggler arrived yet?"

"Both parents checked in at the Pacific Sands yesterday," he said, referring to the resort near Tofino where the wedding would be,  "Rebecca and her boyfriend are staying there as well.  Marty and Erin are staying with friends from the detachment, John and his wife are staying with another friend from the detachment, Paul and his wife are driving in from Port Alberni and will stay here tonight.  Steve, Peggy and the kids are at Pacific Sands.  The others, well, you heard them party on last night?  That was them in the big rental a few doors down.  Thor is in hospital, appendicitis, so he won't be here.  You can check into our suite by noon to get ready.  I'll call the wedding planner when we officially get out of bed, which isn't yet because I want my way with you first.  I don't know why you need to go to the salon.  You're perfect the way you are."

"I'm keeping it low key," she said.  "Natural looking makeup and hair, to fit in with the beach.  My appointment is in an hour and if you want your way with me...."

She didn't get a chance to finish as he quickly pulled her top off and buried his face in her chest.  Through the laughter they both got undressed and made love for the last time as single people.  While she was in the shower he stripped the bed and put clean sheets and bedding on for the couple who would stay there that night.  He poured a cup of coffee for her and brought it to the bathroom, leaving it on the counter for her then he quickly cleaned up the place.  When she was finished he stepped in and had his shower.  By the time he was done she was dressed and waiting to be picked up to go to the salon.  She had her wedding dress in a dress bag and a change of clothes in an overnight bag.  He came up to her wrapped in a towel and hugged her from behind as she looked out the window for her mother, his mother, and his sister, her maid of honour.

"You promise you won't let them make you up like a doll?" he asked.  "I know you'll do what you want but I like it best when you look natural."

"Me too," she said.  "Have no fear.  I'll see you on the beach later."

The car arrived and she kissed him goodbye then stepped out with her things.  Rebecca opened the trunk for her and they both got into the back seat, waving at him as they left.  He closed the door but didn't lock it, expecting Steve, his best man, and his son Jimmy, the ring bearer, to arrive soon.  Peggy would get Sarah, the flower girl, ready.  He called the wedding planner and told her Natalie was headed to the salon.  Then he went back to the bathroom and took out his shaver.  They had talked about whether to have him clean shaven or not.  Their whole relationship he had always had a slight stubble as his beard grew back quickly.  They finally compromised on him having it as close to clean shaven as he could, then apply a beard conditioner to soften it as it grew back in.  As he felt his chin and jaw with his fingertips he could hear the door open.

"Hey, I'm in the bedroom," he yelled.  "Be right out."

Slipping his boxers on he wandered out of the bedroom expecting to see Steve and Jimmy.  Instead, he saw a disheveled Brock Rumlow standing inside the front door with a gun in his hand.  Diving back into the bedroom he heard Brock fire the gun and hit the door frame.  Rolling onto the floor he gathered himself up and ran into the bathroom, locking the door.  His shaving kit was there and he remembered he had bought a straight razor, originally intending to use that for the clean shave, before dismissing the idea in favour of his electric shaver.  The only other thing he could use as a weapon was the lid from the toilet.  Putting the straight razor on the toilet seat where he could grab it he lifted the lid off and held it at the ready.

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