Chapter 13. Trust No One

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They arrived at the airport just before lunch the following morning, each bringing a suitcase with them

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They arrived at the airport just before lunch the following morning, each bringing a suitcase with them.  They had already said their goodbyes to Marty Berenger and Paul Decore, thanking them for their protection.  Erin would be in hospital for a few days and Marty said he had already put in for a transfer to a regular detachment.  Tierney and Decore would be reassigned to another protection unit and the house rented out to the local population.  Tierney drove them to the airport and met Superintendent Matthews there who was just as breezy and friendly as he had been when they arrived four months previous.  The jet landed and CBSA processed the two Marshals.  Tierney had already taken Bucky and Natalie's Canadian passports, driver's licenses, health care cards and Social Insurance cards and told them that an accountant would take care of their tax returns the following year.  After the debriefing he shook their hands and left with Matthews.  When the jet was fuelled they boarded with the Marshals who unsealed the bags with their personal documents and possessions, including the envelope with cash in it.  The plane took off and like before they weren't told anything except that they would be returned to Philadelphia and be further debriefed there.  As they sat beside each other holding hands Bucky noticed Natalie's opal ring was gone from her right hand and asked where it was.  She lifted up her left hand where it was on her ring finger.

"You're not getting rid of me," she said.  "We're partners, for life."

Bucky kissed her hand and they sat quietly.  The co-pilot came back and asked to speak privately with the two Marshals.  They stood at the cockpit door speaking quietly and then the Marshals came back and sat across from the couple on the seats facing them.

"We have a situation," said the one.  "Apparently yesterday before the four people attempted to take Natalie another four visited the home of your friend Detective Steve Rogers.  They took his wife and children hostage.  They are being held at an unknown location.  Rogers has gone underground but he did leave a message for you, saying you would know what it meant.  If I'm not mistaken it's a line from the X-Files.  Trust no one.  Do you know what that means?"

"Not really," said Bucky.  "I have to think on it."

"We really don't need a rogue cop on this," said the Marshal.  "As soon as you figure out what "Trust no one" means you tell me.  Let the professionals handle it."

The Marshal returned to his colleague and they stood near the cockpit door quietly talking.  Bucky leaned close to Natalie.

"Don't say anything," he said in a low voice.  "I know what it means but we can't do anything until we land.  When we do I want you to go back into custody.  I'm going to take my car and find Steve."

"No," said Natalie.  "We're partners.  Where you go, I go.  I can handle it."

"Baby, I need to know you're safe," he said earnestly.  "If you're in custody then I'll know for sure."

"The safest place for me is beside you," she declared.  "Not with strangers.  With you."

"Okay," he said quietly.  "But you do what I say without question.  Understand?"

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