Chapter 3. Don't Call Me Baby (Warning: Sexual Violence, Death)

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Warning: This chapter describes a moment of breath play during sex that goes tragically wrong. It is described briefly to demonstrate the nature of the relationship between the two parties. It is not an endorsement of the practice. Like all BDSM practices breath play requires complete trust and communication between partners, with full awareness of the effect on the person receiving it, and the necessity of being able to stop it if it becomes uncomfortable.


The night before Thanksgiving Day, 2021.

After a day of shopping and lunch Amber had announced they were going to another club that night. Brock was meeting with some friends, old army buddies, and wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving party style. Natalie didn't really want to go after the night before but Amber begged her so much she gave in. Now that they were there she regretted her decision. The DJ had turned the bass up loud and it's pounding rhythm made Natalie feel nauseous from the massive headache that was forming behind her eyes. Amber and Brock were on the dance floor dancing like they had the night before. Brock's friends had all asked her to dance but she declined saying she didn't feel well. They all scrutinized her, wondering why such a stick-in-the-mud had agreed to come out with them. Suddenly their attention was diverted by the spectacle of Amber and Brock having an argument on the dance floor. She was pushing him away and trying to walk back to the group but he wasn't having it and kept dragging her back. When a bouncer intervened Brock gave him the glare of death but the bouncer kept his cool and said something which seemed to settle him down. The couple returned to the private area and Brock sat down heavily. Amber sat down next to Natalie and noticed the look of pain on her face.

"You okay?" she asked, concerned. "You don't look well."

"Massive headache," replied Natalie. "I think I need to go home."

"I'm coming with you," said Amber. "Brock is in a mood tonight and I'm fed up."

Amber moved to sit with Brock and told him that Natalie needed to go home and she wanted to go with her. At first he was angry but Amber stroked his ego like she did the night before and he nodded his assent. He still glowered at Natalie. He texted on his phone and told Amber that Trent would pick them up then he looked at his buddies.

"You guys up for a stripper bar?" he asked, to enthusiastic replies from his friends.

They finished their drinks then left the club, waiting out front for Trent to arrive before they left for the stripper bar. When Trent arrived Brock opened the back passenger door for both of them.

"I hope you feel better," he said to Natalie then he gave Amber a big kiss and saw her into the SUV before closing the door.

"Thanks for coming for us, Trent," said Natalie. "I got a massive headache from the bass in that club and I couldn't take it anymore."

"You're welcome," he said, looking back at her from the rear view mirror. "I'll get you home."

Amber sat on her side of the back seat looking pensively out at the landscape as the SUV wound its way through the streets. When Trent pulled up to the tower she didn't wait for him to open the back door, just opened it herself and went in, leaving the vehicle door open. Trent opened Natalie's door and as she got out he put a hand on her arm.

"Be careful with Brock," he warned, concern in his eyes. "I've seen that look in his eyes before. He's on the verge of a big blowup. He's a steroid user."

He went to the other side and closed that passenger door then got behind the wheel and drove off. Natalie walked in and pondered his words. Amber was waiting impatiently for her in the lobby. After she scanned her key card she turned to Natalie.

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