"A man has died here, Fudge. And he won't be the last." Dumbledore insisted adamantly. "You must take action!"

"I will not!" Fudge shot back stubbornly. "In times like these, the wizard world look's to it's leaders for strength, Dumbledore!"

"Then for once show some!" Dumbledore demanded.

Harry and I crept closer to the door listening in to the conversation, waiting for the right time to interrupt and knock.

"The Triwizard tournament will not be cancelled. I will not be seen as a coward!"

"A true leader does what is right, no matter what others think." Dumbledore indicated.

"What did you say?" Fudge said angrily. "What did you say to me?"

Harry and I both put our hands up to knock, but there was another voice that echoed through the room.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. It may interest you to know this conversation is no longer private." Professor Moody informed them. The door to Dumbledore's office swung open, revealing Harry and I, standing there, ready to knock.

"Oh, Harry, Olivia." Fudge greeted us happily. "How good to see you both again."

"We can come back later, Professor." I offered quickly.

"Oh, not necessary, Olivia. The Minister and I are done. I'll be back in a moment." Dumbledore explained, moving towards the door way. "Minister? After you. There you are, your hat. Oh, Olivia, Harry do feel free to indulge in a little Licorice Snap in my absence. But I have to warn you, they're a wee bit sharp." He winked at us after grabbing one and leaving the room after the Minister of Magic.

The door closed as they all left, leaving Harry and I alone in the office. Harry went right for the sweets and I went for Fawkes, greeting him. I turned to see Harry had grabbed a handful of the candies.

"Harry, be careful, he wasn't kidding those are supposed to be..." I stopped speaking as he gasped.

They came alive, like little leaches and began biting Harry, jumping from his hand. Harry quickly moved away from the bowl and I went after him. I grabbed some and tossed them to the floor and started stomping on them with my feet. Harry flung them off himself and began helping. We aimed for each one to make sure there wasn't any straggler's left. A suddenly clanking caught out attention and we turned. The cabinet Harry had bumped into opened slowly.

The inside had a faint blue glow, a mirror behind a stand, that had a bowl filled with water. I gasped slightly and walked over closer to examine the device.

"What is it?" Harry asked softly.

"I-I think it's a Pensieve. I've never seen a real one, only read about them. Very interesting devices, useful for looking back. It looks like Dumbledore had a memory in here..." I explained.

Harry and I moved even closer. I bent down close admiring the handiwork and Harry waved his wand over the water. The silvery memory that was inside began to glow and before we could move, it felt as though we were sucked in. Harry and I screamed as it felt like we were falling. We each landed in a chair beside each other and I looked around. We were in the Ministry of Magic, a court room to be precise. We were both beside Dumbledore and the room was filled with light chatter. The center of the room had a large metal cage, with spikes on the inside, surrounded by books and files.

"Professor?" Harry asked Dumbledore.

"Harry, it's a memory, he can't hear you." I explained.

I gasped as someone came over and greeted Dumbledore, sticking their hand straight through Harry and I's chest's. I shivered understanding how ghosts feel. The cage in the center of the room began to rise with someone coming up inside it. In stripped Azkaban prisoner clothing, stood none other than Igor Karkaroff.

The Potter Twins: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now