Chapter 44

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Yeah. . .

Remember those thirty minutes, thirty minutes?

Turns out. . .

I was bullshitting.

It didn't take me thirty minutes – I so badly wish it did, though.

Sure, it took me thirty minutes to stop the tears but convincing myself and sticking to it?

Yeah... That took longer – much longer than a measly thirty minutes.

Try forty-eight hours. I know, I know – what?! Amiright? But it took a lot of convincing on my part and a shit ton of negative voices to push away. It's not easy to pick up the pieces that you yourself have scattered around. It's a lot harder when you're the reason for those pieces being broken.

Before I can talk to Noah or even go near him, I need to pull myself together once again. I need to find my bearings and perhaps get an electrician out to do some rewiring.

All jokes aside – I know how much we love them but there's one more thing I need to do. One last chapter to close.

It's taken a lot of pacing, hairpulling, teeth grinding, and arguments with myself – in case you're wondering, yes, I answered myself, too – to come to this decision.

I need to make an important call, the answer I receive to my question won't make a difference but it's something I feel I need to know, or I might just go stir-crazy – K, not really, I'll stop. . . I think.

I dial his number one more time before I block and delete it, cutting off all ties. It's something that needs to happen – the human race depends on it – fuck, okay, I'll stop, for reals now, that wasn't even funny.

Moving on.

Not everything is meant to last and sometimes the people in our lives are only there for a season to teach us a lesson or lessons.

I've learned mine, now it's time to let go.

"Timay?" I hear the surprise in his voice.

"Did you plan it?"

"Plan what?"

"Did you plan for that car to knock me just so you could save me, Ethan?" Did you think that whole season shit and letting go was about Noah? If so, wow just wow – kidding. I wouldn't blame you if you thought that. My track record isn't the best.

"Fuck, no. That was – at a lack of a better word – a happy accident... I know I've hurt you in the past, but I would never hurt you like that, May. Never."

"Were your parents involved."


"So, there's nothing I can do to take action against the doctors or your parents?"

"No, there's no evidence, no labs were altered, no files or documents were falsified. Everything was done by the book. I'm sorry, Timay."

"Okay," is all I say. "I forgive you, Ethan." Hear me out before you swear me and threaten me, I need to do this, for me. It's for the best. I don't want to hold anymore grudges against anyone. It'll only affect me in the long haul. Sometimes it's best to forgive and move on.

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