Chapter 43

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A/N: Just a quick one, I kinda think Mercy by Shawn Mendes goes with this chapter, but if you have another song in mind, recommend it and I'll add it🙃 On with the story my lovelies!💕

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A/N: Just a quick one, I kinda think Mercy by Shawn Mendes goes with this chapter, but if you have another song in mind, recommend it and I'll add it🙃 On with the story my lovelies!💕

I stare blankly out my window, fixating on the dark clouds rolling in threatening to burst and flood our streets.

A bolt of lightning flashes through the sky and seconds later ear-splitting thunder echoes around us with a forceful and tempestuous wind blowing wildly against our house, silencing my traitorous thoughts. The trees out front sway in the wind withstanding the sheer force without crashing to the ground displaying the strength of nature.

Strength, I wish I could possess.

I clutch the small typewriter pendant in my hand tightly hoping to ease the heaviness around my already sore neck. I shift uncomfortably, straightening out my crossed legs.

My entire body aches and no matter how I shift or change my position, the pain doesn't end. My body is screaming at me to replace the missing piece that it begs, aches, throbs for but I can't.

I haven't spoken in three days. That's how long it's been since my dad carried me out the bar, cradling me in his arms like a child as I sobbed into his chest in the backseat of his truck as mom drove us home.

I haven't left my room since my dad tucked me in after we spent hours in the driveway till my tears ran out and sleep consumed me.

I can't face my parents after that day, nor can I stand the inquisitive and pitiful gazes. They deserve to know the truth but I'm unable to provide them with it. The thought alone has me crawling into a ball and sobbing into my pillow that now carries a stench, but I think the stench wafting to my nostrils is me as I wither away into nothing but a decaying shell of the person I used to be.

It's hitting me harder than I anticipated, and I can't seem to push it down. I can't prevent the agonizing pain that spreads through my body like a toxic poison threatening to engulf me.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

The worst part is, I still fucking miss him.

I miss him with every fiber of my being and my body is pleading with me to walk a few houses down and just wrap my arms around him.

But I can't.

Another bolt of lightning flashes through the dark morning sky and I can't wrap my head around how something so bright appears so dull to me, now.

Nothing is the same anymore and it's safe to say, I fucking hate it.

I flop onto my back, staring at my plain white ceiling. I want nothing more than to turn back time and vanquish these emotions that are gluing me to my bed with an unendurable pain paralyzing me to my room.

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