23. Petrified

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A snow blizzard struck Hogwarts covering the school in the snow. It caused glee to some students as Herbology classes were canceled until further notice. Though, the rest of the classes were to continue as normal.

The Slytherin common room was darker than usual. No light shined through the window as the lake iced over and displayed nothing but a dark green hue in the room. But none of that stopped the Slytherins from gathering in the common room. Candles floated above their heads illuminating light as the students talked amongst themselves.

The hot topic of discussion was Harry Potter and his ability to speak parseltongue. Few didn't believe Harry was the heir. Those few being Draco and his friends; claiming no Slytherin heir would have been placed into a loathsome house. But other Slytherins thought otherwise. The fact that Harry could speak Parselmouth spread like a wildfire, and it led too many to conclude that he is indeed the heir. Because how could anyone deny that fact?

Not Amelia. After thinking through Justin's and Ernie's theories, she began to realize the gaps in her predictions. Maybe being in the Slytherin house wasn't as important as she once thought. Or being pure blood. Harry Potter was a half-blood, right?

After the dueling incident, Justin stayed within the walls of the Hufflepuff common room. Ernie, picking up his slack, took more informative notes for his friend. But Amelia knowing Ernie's lack of detail for the important aspects of a lecture, would meet him in the library afterward to let him copy her notes.

This is why after the cancelation of some classes, the two met up at the library. The notes spilled out from Amelia's book bag which caused the Hufflepuff to groan.

" Is everything there necessary?" Ernie asked, looking through all the pieces of paper.

" Just the important ones."

" Oh, just the important one" Ernie mocked. He looked through the notes not knowing where to start.

" Stop complaining," Amelia said, "How is Justin doing?" she asked, missing his presence in their small trio.

" Oh, I told Justin to hide up in our dormitory for a little while longer. If Potter's marked him down as his next victim, it's best if he keeps a low profile for a while. Of course, Justin's been waiting for something like this to happen ever since he let slip to Potter, he was Muggle-born. Justin told him he'd been down for Eton. That's not the kind of thing you bandy about with Slytherin's heir on the loose, is it?"

Amelia looked at the Hufflepuff confused, not understanding much of what he said.

" What's an Eton?"

" Some muggle device Justin likes," Ernie said, beginning to copy her notes. The two sat in comfortable silence before she spoke again.

"So, you think it is Potter, then, Ernie?" Amelia questioned. She still had her doubts and needed him to affirm her change of thought.

"he's a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a Dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue."

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