Volume Zero: Chapter 1, High School Predicment And After School Activities

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An alarm clock was beeping repeatedly in the dense dark bedroom. The only source of light was a stream of sunlight passing through a window.

The sleeping boy, began to turn and grunt at the sound of the loud beeping alarm clock. He gently opened his eyes and sighed.

Without looking he began to smack the nightstand where the alarm clock was placed. After a few more attempts, he got it and the boy sighed out of relief.

"Finally!" The boy exclaimed, he picked himself up but not leaving the comfort of his bed. He turned and picked up the alarm clock and looked at it. "7:48."

He yawned and placed the alarm clock back on the nightstand. He then began to lie down and closed his eyes. But then it clicked, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock again. The terror on his face was on full display. He was going to be late for school.


He jumped out of his bed and began rummaging through his drawers to find some clothes. But then panicked, thinking this will only waste more time. He grabbed his backpack which was placed near the
bedroom door. He immediately exited out of his bedroom, without changing out of his pajamas. He saw his grandmother preparing breakfast. She looked and saw her grandson, and she smiled. "Good morning Flynn, I made your favorite! A scrambled bacon sandwich, with a hint of mayo and ketchup mix!"

Without responding, he went over to the table and stuffed the entire sandwich into his mouth. "SoRry... gRaNdmA... but I.. hAvE... to go now!" He immediately rushed to the door of their apartment, and began running through the empty hallways. When his grandmother saw what has transpired she can't help but smile and laugh. "Oh Flynn, you're such a silly boy."

Flynn was now running through the staircase with blinding speed. When he got to the last set of steps he jumped, rolled, and bursted through the door leading to the entrance of the apartment.

Everyone one in the lobby, looked at the boy with mixed reactions, many were perplexed, shocked, and utterly confused. He then sprinted to the front entrance and when he got outside he was met with a crowd of busy, noisy, people. "Crap, I missed the bus, my bike is broken! How am I supposed to reach school now?!" He thought. But then he realized something... he has powers.

He bolted to the nearest alleyway so that no one can witness what he was about to do. He placed his hands on the wall of the building and started to scale up the building. When he got to the top, he stopped pulled out his backpack, unzipped it, and grabbed his web-shooters and a red mask. He placed both devices on his wrist and placed the mask over his face to conceal his identity.

He then ran to the other side of the building and as soon as he reached it, he leaped to the closest building. He then proceeded to jump onto a couple more buildings that were easily close and accessible.

Then he stopped and looked directly at the edge of the building, he ran towards the edge and jumped. He began to free-fall, extending his right arm he pressed the trigger of the web-shooter, and shot a strand of white string to the nearest building. Using the momentum he begins to swing, as high as he can go. As soon as he got too high, he let go and shot another strand of white string to the next building.


He began to swing across the buildings of Vale. With swiftness and bursting speed. Until he spotted his high school. Clovis Jade High School, the school was stationed in the middle of the entire city, the school is surrounded by trees and bushes. The entire area stretches about 520 acres. It also serves as Vale's local park during the weekends.

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