omaha magcon interracial

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I woke up at 1:15 am to my beautiful babygirl crying."okay,okay,its okay babygirll" she soon stopped crying after i gave her the passifier.nash my wonderful babydaddy (lol babydaddy) and great co. Parent husband was sound asleep. I decided to feed nashaunti so i warmed up a bottle and sat on the couch feeding her and watching doc MCstuffins. I checked my phone and it was now 2:56. "damn, i was up this long" soon i heard nash coming down the stairs "hey" he said. "whats wrong why you up this late?" "you left the bed!"he chuckles and plops on the bed next to me and nana (nashaunti pronounced nah-nah)
"need me to feed her? she's mine after all" " too late, mommy fed her lil one " "your so beautiful taking care of our baby you know that right?" "yeah i guess i do" you laugh and she soon fell asleep so you let nash put her in her bassinet while you guys climbed back into the bed. "i LOVE you" nash said " i love you too babe" i said being followed with a kiss. We slept for the rest of the night surprisingly.


A/n yeah uh sorry im just still trynna become a good writer so yeah im soooo sorry if it sucked

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