Chapter 38

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Sorry I haven't been updating, I'm working on something special😍🙏


A loud annoying generic alarm yanked me out of a peaceful sleep. Well that's a first. Usually my mind decides to ruin it with nightmares. I groaned, intending to roll over. However, I was met with a strong resistance, and my eyes shot open, my mind fully awake by now. I gasped slightly as I realized my face was consumed in Tenya's broad chest, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"God, why is your alarm set a whole ass two hours before school starts?!" I groaned, trying to push myself away from Tenya. And why does he have an actual alarm clock?!

"Huh?" The boy muttered, finally beginning to wake up. He squinted from the light peaking through the blinds before looking down at me.

I blinked, looking back up at him in slight surprise. He looked so clueless and tired. I've never seen him so calm and relaxed. He's always yelling nerd things, ready to jump up for his next answer. But right now, he could hardly even process my complaints. He reached over me, turning the alarm off.

I slipped out from under him, getting out of the bed. The boy sat up, rubbing his eyes slowly. I raised a brow at the action, never seeing him actually wake up before. The other time I slept over he was already awake by the time I woke up.

"Morning sunshine." I smirked, and the nerd put his glasses on. He looked over at me, his eyes lingering on my expression. He let out a small chuckle before moving to get out of the bed.

"It's good to see you smiling." He complimented, and my smug expression vanished. My eyes widened, and I turned away with a huff.

"Don't ruin it." I grumbled, and he let out a light laugh before getting ready for school. Once we were both ready, we still had a lot of time before class started.

"Have a good day, you two!" I heard Iida's mother call out.

"We will, thank you mother!" Iida replied before walking out the door with me.

We were the first ones to class, seeing as I was now on Iida's schedule. I didn't want to think about what Kari would do to me since I didn't come home last night. She'd ruin me, especially since she specifically told me to be home that night. I'm screwed if I see her in public. Or even worse, if she went looking for me.


I slumped down in my chair, fighting the urge to put my head down. Instead, I leaned back, my eyes lingering on the tired teacher at the front of class. I looked back at my paper for the written exam. Man, I really wanted to cheat. I mean, Tenya does sit in front of me. I let out a quiet sigh, deciding against it. He would have my head if I cheated, and I couldn't do that to him. He's letting me crash at his place, the least I could do was somewhat follow his rules. I quickly circled the last answer, setting my pencil down. I realized I had some time left, so I rested my head in my arms, deciding to take a nap.

"Alright, pencils down. Last person in each row, bring the tests to me." Mr. Aizawa instructed, but I kept my head down, enjoying the rest.

"Mr. Aizawa! Doku's sleeping!" Mina called out, and he sighed.

"Iida. Collect the papers." The man ordered, and I heard Iida stand up, giving a quick 'yes sir'. I felt the paper below me tugged gently out from under my arms. My half sleep slowly started drifting into a deeper one as I got lost in my thoughts.

I felt a little uneasy about how I did on the exam. God, since when did I start caring about my grades?! Oh yeah, when I decided to get a nerdy ass boyfriend. I let out a small sigh as I eventually actually fell asleep.

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