Chapter 6

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I made my way home, and stood in front of my apartment. I climbed the stairs, and hesitated before opening the door. The old creek sent chills up my spine, and I stepped inside. My stomach dropped as I noticed a figure sitting on the couch.

However, I let out a sigh of relief as I realized Kari was passed out, bottles of alcohol littering the table next to her. I snuck past the woman and entered my room. I set my backpack gently on the floor, careful not to be too loud.

After about an hour or so of settling down and doing things like shower, I slipped into my bed, pulling the covers over me. I checked my phone, looking at the time. The screen lit up, revealing that it was 1:45am. I closed my eyes, hoping that I could have a nice peaceful sleep tonight. But I knew the chances of that were pretty low.


Crashing from the living room yanked me out of my sleep. I groaned, checking the time. 4:02am was displayed on the screen, and I dragged my hand down my face. The crashing didn't stop, and I stared up at the ceiling.

"Fuyo!" Kari screamed, making me jump. What the hell does she want so early in the morning?! My door swung open, revealing a disheveled looking Kari.

"You came home late again last night!" She growled, and I sat up.

"Yeah, I always do. What do you expect?" I replied, and she glared at me.

"What the hell does that mean, brat?!" She stepped closer, giving me a warning look.

"I think you know. I'd be concerned if you couldn't understand a simple statement." I answered, mentally cursing myself for talking back. I should've just kept my mouth shut! But I was annoyed from the lack of sleep I was getting.

"That's it! I'll teach you to have a better attitude!" Kari hissed, raising her hand. Instead of slapping me, like I thought she was going to do, she gripped my hair instead. She roughly shoved me into my desk, causing my shoulder to slam into the corner. I bit my cheek, containing my pain. She then shoved her heel into my thigh, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"There. You're lucky I didn't take it further. I don't want to hit you anywhere obvious since you have to go to school and all that dumb shit." She scowled, before stomping out of my room. I could hear her bang around in the kitchen, making herself breakfast.

"Dammit..." I sighed, still sitting on the floor.


I entered the classroom two minutes before school started.

"Cutting it close, aren't we, Doku?" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice from behind me.

"Shouldn't you be all happy that I'm actually on time today?" I frowned, turning around to see Iida standing there with his arms crossed.

"I try to arrive ten minutes early to everything! Punctuality is crucial!" He announced, and I only shrugged.

"Yeah yeah. Nobody cares about that garbage. Also, why are you just standing by the door like a creep?" I asked, and he flinched violently.

"C-Creep?! I'm simply instructing the class, making sure they're on time and seated!" He explained, and I scoffed.

"What a waste of time." I stated before turning around, walking to the back of class and to my seat.


Class started a little while ago, and I leaned back in my seat, sinking down into my chair. I smirked, and kicked Iida's chair in front of me. The boy immediately turned around, fixing his glasses.

"What do you think you're doing, Doku?" He whispered, and I shrugged.

"What does it look like, nerd?" I asked, and he scoffed before turning around. I waited a couple seconds before kicking his chair again. He swung around, giving me a warning look.

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