Chapter 10

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I groaned, rolling out of bed. I had been up since 2am. Kari had been banging around in the kitchen, probably looking for alcohol. She had also barged into my room a couple times to yell at me for no reason. I had gotten to sleep for about thirty minutes before I realized that school had started five minutes ago.

"Whoops." I muttered, getting ready for school. Kari had left earlier, which is why I got to sleep for thirty minutes.

I carelessly made my way to school, not really minding that I was late. Once I approached the school, I was about twenty-five minutes late. However, that's not what was bothering me.

I grimaced as I stared right at a crowd of the press right in front of the gates.

"That stupid security system practically killed me!" A woman yelled, and I rolled my eyes. This idiot tried to get in herself. I shoved my way through the sea of people, just trying to get to class.

"Hey, you! Are you in All Might's class? Tell me, what's he like?" The same woman asked, shoving a microphone in my face.

"Screw off." I hissed, swatting the microphone away. I turned back around, preparing to walk through the gates.

"How rude! Can you believe this girl is in All Might's class?!" I heard her scream into a camera, and I sighed. She doesn't even know for sure that I'm in his class.

I entered the building, and headed for class. Once I arrived, I slid open the doors to see a tired looking Aizawa turn to glare at my tired looking self.

"Late. Again." He grumbled, and I shrugged.

"Oops." I carelessly stated, and he sighed.

"Just take your seat." He dismissed me, and I walked to the back of class. I plopped down in my desk, leaning back lazily in my chair.

"Why are you late again?!" Iida turned around to face me. "Punctuality is an important skill one must learn!" He whisper yelled.

"I overslept." I shamelessly replied, and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You need to take this class more seriously!" He quietly scolded me, and I leaned forward, resting my head in my arms.

"Mhm. Right. Yeah." I muttered, closing my eyes.

"Let's get down to business." I heard Mr. Aizawa announce to the class. "Our first task will decide your future."

The class filled with murmurs, and I mentally groaned. It better not be another Quirk Test.

"You all need to pick a class representative." The teacher finished, and the room was filled with sighs of relief.

"Pick me, guys! I wanna be class rep!"

"I'll take it!"

"Yeah, you're gonna need me."

"Someone with style would be best."

"I'm, like, totally the right pick!"

Students began to volunteer, and I groaned, shoving my head further into my arms.

"Silence, everyone, please!" Iida shouted, catching everyone's attention.

"The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader!" He yelled. He definitely just wants people to pick him.

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