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"I'll babysit him." Jay gazed at Kai with a smug expression. He thinks he's so clever.

"Babysit?" Kai said. Nya's eyes lit up as she joined in Jay's stupid joke.

"Alright, but you have to remember to feed him and water him and take him for walks." Nya stroked Jay's hair. Gross. Kai was right there! Couldn't she keep her hands to herself?! Jay's smugness melted into lovesickness.

Nya left. Jay let out a content sigh.

"Let's go, baby," Jay said patronizingly. Those two never passed up an opportunity to make fun of Kai.

"You two are perfect for each other," Kai grumbled. He tried to sound as unapproving of their relationship as possible. But the mischievous glint in Jay's eye made it evident that he saw through Kai's sarcastic tone.

"Are you finally giving me permission to date Nya?" he said.

"Maybe," Kai said.

"Oh great, because I was thinking of asking her to be my yang..." Jay said.

"Tread lightly, Walker," Kai growled. Jay laughed as he took off into the hall.

Kai pulled his hood over his head. He wished he could summon any iota of energy. He couldn't run. Kai settled for a light jog out of the room.

Kai found it hard to keep up with Nya. Keeping up with Jay was nearly impossible. Getting struck by lightning must've charged him beyond his usual capacity. He bolted past Nya, teasing her for being slow on his way past. Her competitive nature got sparked. She sprinted after him, both of them abandoning Kai.

Kai had never seen Jay run so much and so fast. Eventually, Nya remembered Kai was supposed to be with them. She stopped at the main doors of the compound, waiting for him to catch up.

"Where's Jay?" he said, trying to catch his breath. Nya shrugged. She refused to make eye contact with Kai. She was trying to seem unbothered by not knowing where Jay was. But Kai could tell, it was causing her anxiety.

"He's got a sugar high or something," Nya said. Kai leaned against a wall. He needed to rest.

"I think it's the lightning. He's been like that since he came in contact with his element. It charged him," Kai said.

"Very observant," Nya said, sounding impressed and surprised.

"I'm more than a pretty face," Kai said. Jay burst through the doors. Water dripped from his hair.

"Why'd you guys stop?" he said, bouncing up and down in spot. Nya gave Kai a confused look.

"Tired," Kai said, "Can't go that fast, buddy."

"Oh. Okay," Jay said, "I'll get the distraction party started and you can join when you're ready." Jay turned. Nya snatched Jay's arm.

"No. We stick together," she said. Her voice trembled.

"I'll be fine," Jay said, gently putting his hand on top of hers.

"I'm not taking that risk. Not yet," she said. There was a beat of silence.

"I'm ready to go, anyways," Kai said.

"Finally," Jay said, running back outside. Nya let Kai go in front of her.

The rain brought some life back into Kai. He allowed the thick raindrops to penetrate his fatigue. His limbs felt a little less heavy than before. But his legs still weighed the same as concrete.

Jay kept having to circle back to make sure he didn't lose Nya and Kai. Seeing how Jay reacted to getting struck by lightning made Kai want to jump into some fire and hope for the same effects.

Lego Ninjago Fanfic: The Dragon ClanWhere stories live. Discover now