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Despite his best efforts to appear discreet, Kai still looked suspicious. No one casually placed themselves by the doors of the brig, hunched over with their ear pressed against the steel hatch. Not unless you were spying on your sister and her boyfriend. 

'Project Avian' was set behind the doorway. Kai glared at the 'do not disturb, engineer at work' sign that was hung up on the hatch. The sign was a gift from Jay's parents to Nya. They made it from old license plates, that they required over the years. Jay's parents shouldn't be giving his little sister gifts.

Kai squinted through the small gap in the door. No matter how many times he tried that, he still couldn't see anything.

Lloyd had told Kai many times: "The only thing behind those doors were half-finished vehicles." It made perfect sense that the two most mechanically inclined people on the team were building vehicles. But Kai knew that Jay and Nya couldn't just be working on vehicles.

Kai knew he was being creepy. He should leave Jay and Nya alone. Yet, he found it impossible to pull himself from the door to the brig. It was like a magnetic force was keeping him from minding his own business.

He couldn't see why Nya liked Jay. He was... Jay.

Nya was smart, capable, and independent. And Jay wasn't. Jay wasn't the greatest fighter. He wasn't brave. He wasn't level-headed. He wasn't anything.

Kai sighed. Jay was his brother, he shouldn't think these things about him. And he did think of Jay as his brother. But he couldn't help those intrusive thoughts. Not since Jay started dating Nya. Now every time he saw Jay, all he saw was a bunch of faults that Nya (for some reason) couldn't see. If he could get her to look at Jay as he was, she'd never want to date him.

Before Jay and Nya dated, he considered Jay one of his best friends. He wished they'd break up. If they did, he could be around Jay without his older brother instincts prompting Kai to destroy him. He wished he could trust Jay again. He missed Jay.

Kai pressed his ear to the door. He heard Jay goofing around and Nya laughing. It didn't sound like they were working on a vehicle.


Kai jumped one hundred and eighty degrees. His body went as stiff as a plank.

"What? I wasn't-" Kai stuttered. Zane had snuck up behind him. He gave Kai a look of confusion.

"What were you listening to behind the door?" Zane said. The doors opened with so much force that they crashed into the wall. A metallic clang echoed throughout the Bounty. Nya stormed through the threshold and glared at Kai. Jay stood behind her.

"Yeah Kai, what were you listening to?" Nya said.

"I wanted to see what you were working on," Kai laughed nervously as his friends shook their heads.

"Lloyd wants everyone to meet him at the bridge. We have received news about nineteen kidnapped children," Zane said.

"That sounds serious," Nya said, she glanced back at Jay and winked, "Don't forget your nunchucks."

She sprinted away. Zane also left.

"I won't make that mistake again," Jay said cheerfully. Kai narrowed his eyes at Jay who walked past him. 

Before Kai realized what he'd done, he grabbed Jay's arm.

"Uh, Kai, you sort of have my arm. Can I have it back?"

That morning Jay hadn't been able to take a joke. Now he was making jokes. What changed? Kai knew what changed (but he didn't want to admit it): he spent time with Nya. Jay loved Kai's little sister. Kai's grip tightened at the thought.

Lego Ninjago Fanfic: The Dragon Clanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें