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"I've now lost communication with Nya too," P.I.X.A.L. said. Kai wondered if leaving Timmy somewhere other than the Bounty was a better idea than him releasing the lightning. Poor Pix was doing everything she could to keep the team together despite the communication issues.

Kai caught up to a truck.

"Not our guy," he said, "Next truck, Pix?"

Kai got a new objective and started chasing the new truck.

"I've lost communication with Lloyd," P.I.X.A.L. said, "Most peculiar. The Dragon Clan might be picking you off."

Kai hated feeling like they fell into a trap. Kai caught sight of the next truck.

"I have visuals on Nya and Lloyd," Zane said, "They crashed but are still alive."

Kai's bike was fast. He easily passed the truck. Thank the First Spinjitzu Master, it felt good to be doing something!

"Zane, I'm not able to access your visuals," P.I.X.A.L. said, "Nor your falcon. Is that a glitch? Or are you hiding something?"

Before Zane could respond, Kai saw the dent in the bumper.

"I found Jay," Kai announced.

"Rerouting everyone to your location," P.I.X.A.L. said.

Kai slowed his bike down to ride alongside the driver. There was also another person in the passenger seat. He wanted to commandeer the truck.

"Pix, can you take over my bike's controls?" Kai said.

"I'm too overwhelmed for such a task," she said.

"Well, I hate to waste a good bike," Kai said. But it was for Jay.

Kai stood up on his bike. It wobbled under his feet. He dismounted and leapt onto the truck. He stood on the step under the driver's door. The bike tumbled and crashed as the truck sped along. Kai somehow manoeuvred to open the driver's door. The driver's foot pushed him out. Kai gripped the door. He swung back and forth from the open door.

"Bad idea," he admitted. Kai swung himself upward and onto the top of the truck.

He saw the black bike behind the truck.

"Kai, the doors," Cole said,

Kai ran to the back. He could open the back doors and Jay could jump onto Cole's bike. Kai got onto his knees and pulled at the doors.  They were securely locked. Kai tried to burn it open with fire but that didn't work either. 

"Kai, there's a hatch on the top of the truck," Cole yelled. Kai glanced behind him and saw the hatch he missed earlier. That must be what Cole wanted him to do.

He ran over and tried to pry it open. That's when the passenger jumped onto the roof of the truck.

"Kai, get off the truck," Zane instructed, "I am going to crash it."

Kai glanced up at the flying vehicle overhead.

"We don't want Jay to get hurt inside," Cole protested.

"I can take this guy," Kai agreed.

Before Kai could react, a pillar of ice appeared in front of the truck.

"Zane! You're supposed to be the smart one!" Kai shouted. He had no choice. He leapt off the back of the truck and tumbled to the ground. The truck crashed into the ice, flipped on its side and slid a few feet. The driver and the passenger both ran away from the crash.

Cole's bike came to a sudden stop as Zane's bike lowered to the ground. Its wings retracted.

"We had options," Cole said accusatorily to Zane. He dismounted and ran over to the hatch.

"My apologies. Regardless, let's bring our friend home," Zane gestured to the truck.

Kai and Zane joined Cole at the hatch. Cole pried it open. The inside of the truck was completely dark.

"Jay?" Cole asked the darkness. He peeked his head in. No response.

"See this is why we didn't want to crash the truck," Kai said, "Jay's probably hurt."

"I think I see him," Cole said, stepping into the truck.

"You're usually good at plans. What happened, Zane?" Kai said.

"I am good at plans," Zane said, "This was my plan."

Zane pushed Kai into the truck and swung the hatch closed.

"Zane?" Kai said. He pushed on the hatch but it was now locked.

"What happened?" Cole asked.

"Zane locked us in here," Kai said.

"Not funny, Zane! This is serious!" Cole called. Zane didn't respond.

Kai pounded on the doors. He tried to summon his fire but was unable.

Cole also couldn't use his Elemental Powers. Vengestone must be laced into the truck.

When Kai's eyes adjusted he saw an imitation blue gi lying on the floor. It was a trick. Jay was never here. The Dragon Clan was picking each of them off. And somehow they turned Zane against the group.

"Maybe Zane's pretending to be on their side to get close to Jay," Cole offered. Kai chose to believe in this option.

Eventually, the doors opened. The Dragon Clan put vengestone handcuffs on Cole and Kai. All the while, Zane stood next to their captors. He was acting like one of them. Or else, he was one of them. 

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