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A/N I see a climax on the horizon...

Five more chapters... 

Timmy and Nya stood in the safety of the bridge as they flew through the storm. Lloyd had taken Jay's bike to approach Okuura from the ground. According to P.I.X.A.L., Lloyd arrived at the village two minutes earlier.

On the deck of the Bounty, Jay's decoy was set up. Lightning from a rod was capturing the electricity. It flowed through a wire and out of the decoy, positioned in a way that made it look like 'Jay' was shooting lightning out of his hand.

They'd watched Okurra come closer in silence. Both of them were anxious about their half-baked plan. 

It seemed to be working. They were creating a diversion. The villagers were coming out en masse to see the Bounty's approach. But they needed the planes to come out. They needed to give Lloyd time to sneak four ninja out of the Okuura. 

"This isn't going to work," Timmy said.

"It was your plan," Nya said.

"I'm eight," Timmy said, "And this isn't going to work."

"Too late now," Nya said. The Bounty cast a shadow over the village. Nya turned to the screen.

"Do we have any planes on the radar?" Nya asked P.I.X.A.L..

"Samurai X has appeared on my radar. He must be responding to my distress call. Other than that, I don't detect anything."

"They aren't attacking..." Nya said. They may be garnering attention. Nya hoped that their distraction was working.

"How are you doing, Lloyd?" Nya asked into the headset. Did he find Jay yet? Or Kai, Cole, and Zane? But mostly Jay, since he's been missing the longest.

"Could be better," Lloyd whispered, "I found Cole and Kai. But they are guarded. And getting them out of the village might be hard."

"Why?" Nya said.

"They're both... unconscious?"

Before Nya could ask more questions, Timmy tugged on her sleeve. He pointed toward the village. Two dragons were flying towards them. And none of them appeared to be Lightning Dragons. It looked like a fire dragon and an ice dragon.

"I don't think they need planes," Timmy said. That was not good...

"Pix, any chance we can withstand an attack by dragons?" Nya said, already knowing the answer.

"The Bounty is not built with such defences," P.I.X.A.L. said. They could use their cannons to deter the dragons. But those dragons were innocent people. No one wanted to hurt them.

Nya had two options: stand her ground or retreat. She wanted to stay and continue to be a distraction. But she risked the decimation of the Bounty.

Nya turned the wheel, causing the ship to lurch to the side. Timmy struggled to keep his balance as the vessel tilted. As the Bounty left, the dragons hovered over the village. Now getting a closer look, she could see that the dragons had a person on their backs. How were they controlling the dragons? Jay needed to use his Elemental Powers. But they appeared to have a simple chain to control the dragon. 

As they got further away, it was clear the dragons had no intention to follow the Destiny's Bounty. She hoped they'd follow them. So much for being a distraction.

Nya grit her teeth. Lloyd needed more time to find their friends. 

"How close is Samurai X?" Nya said.

"A minute away," P.I.X.A.L. said.

"When he gets here, tell him to protect Timmy. Or take him back to Ninjago City," Nya said as she pulled her hood over her head. Nya turned the Bounty again. She set the Bounty to autopilot. Timmy whimpered nervously as they flew towards the dragons.

"What are you planning?" P.I.X.A.L. said.

"You're on distraction duty," Nya said, "I'm going to help Lloyd."

"And if they destroy Destiny's Bounty?" P.I.X.A.L. said, sounding equally polite and judgemental.

"We'll find another way out. But we can't have dragons flying around, messing up Lloyd's rescue. We have to engage them." Nya went to the drawer and pulled out three earpieces and connected them to P.I.X.A.L.'s hub.

"I'm preparing defences," P.I.X.A.L. submitted.

"Only use the cannons if necessary. Those dragons are actually innocent people," Nya said.

"The anchor is ready to be dropped," P.I.X.A.L. said.

"No. To obvious. They'll know I'm coming," Nya said, jumping off the bridge onto the deck.

"How are you going to get down there without injuring yourself?" P.I.X.A.L. said, her voice now coming through Nya's headset.

"A miracle. Maybe an Elemental Dragon. We'll see," Nya said.

"This is very reckless," P.I.X.A.L. warned.

"Kai would be proud," Nya said. She looked over the railing of the Bounty. The ground was far away. She'll have enough time to summon her dragon. Although, she hadn't been able to summon her dragon since the Power Plant. That didn't matter. Nya always did her best work under pressure.

Nya took a deep breath. She forced herself to think about happy thoughts. Like memories of her being Samurai X. Or that wonderful feeling of sleeping in on her days off. Think about finding Master Wu again. Think about seeing Jay again. Think about Jay's jokes (he could always make her laugh). Think about Jay.

Nya stepped off the edge of the Bounty. The sensation of falling made her stomach twist. Her eyes watered as the air assaulted her face.

Nya tried to summon her dragon with no success. She ignored the loud wind in her ears and focused on calming her thoughts. Once upon a time, Nya helped Jay summon his dragon while they were falling. And even if he wasn't here, he was going to help her. Because if she didn't summon her dragon, she'll never see him again. Do it for Jay.

As she fell to the ground, Nya found it harder and harder to control her fear. She had to summon her dragon, she knew she could do it.

The ground was nearly upon her when something grasped onto her. She glanced up to see that Samurai X saved her. As much as she was thankful not to experience the impact of falling to the ground, she wasn't happy that Samurai X saved her. She had mostly made peace with the new Samurai X. But that was still her suit. That he still stole. It was bittersweet how he saved her life. Samurai X let Nya to the ground, without stopping. He dropped her off and then flew back up to the Bounty.

Nya took a few seconds to regain composure. Then she sprinted towards the village. She didn't have time to have conflicted feelings about Samurai X. She was going to save her friends. She was going to save Jay. 

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