I hadn't processed what she just said but as soon as realisation hit, my eyes widened as I realized all my grandparents were here. I ran out to the back garden and there standing,with my parents and siblings, were the rest of my grandparents.

"Hey everyone!" I yelled as I went to hug them. There were my grandparents from my dad's side, Grandma Lee-Ann and grandpa David. Then from my mom's side was my Sobo Hinata and my Ojīsan Kenji. I hadn't seen my Japanese grandparents since I was 14 but my other grandparents I saw all the time. They lived in Massachusetts with me, whereas, my parents and siblings lived in California. We were all talking and catching up when my mom came over with my Aunt Zara, who is my Uncle Daniel's wife so I knew my cousin and second best friend was here too. I awkwardly went over to greet them because I knew full well thaty mama was still pissed about my sudden trip but I couldn't be rude to my elders.

"Hey Mimi, you've grown so much!" My Aunt squealed as she hugged me tightly.

They lived in New York so we hardly saw each other but my bond with their daughter was impossible to break no matter the distance.

"Aww Auntie Zee, I highly doubt I've grown thaaat much. I'm still your second baby girl." I said as I poured playfully.

My uncle chuckled on the side.

"Hey now, come and show your Uncle some love before it all runs out coz of your Auntie."

I hugged him and he gavee his signature comforting bear hug I always got when I was a kid. I loved my family so much to be honest. My cousins Trey and Amelia came in a few minutes later with my siblings and I gave Try a quick hey and a hug before I dragged Amelia and Maya to my room upstairs. Now see, me and Maya weren't always a duo, we had Amelia as part of the little crew. We were literally called Charlie's angels back in high school before Amelia went to NYU to study fashion, but we obviously kept in touch and it sucks that she couldn't come on the trip with us because she still had a year to complete in order to get her honours. As soon as we got to my room Amelia questioned me about the trip.

"Bitch, so did you tell your rents about it? How did it go? Are even stil-"

"Wish, slow down Ami damn." I cut her runt off before I spilt the events of today.

"Damn, that sucks bro, so what you gon' do now?" She asked looking concerned out of both my friends, Ami was the one who knew me the most, I told Maya everything but nothing beats family ties so she knew how hard I worked for this.

"Imma still go, with or without they blessing, I done did all I could for them, it's about time I do shit for myself. And besides, it ain't like I won't come back and be a lawyer, it's still my dream but so is this."

She just nodded and we started talking about her life in NYU when we heard a knock on the door. It was my mom.
She didn't look mad anymore, which was a good sign I guess but her seriousness clearly said we needed privacy so my friends left.

"Hey Mimi, may I come in?" She asked, a bit hesitant.

"Of course mama." I shifted a little to make space for her on my bed.

"So about your trip...." She hesitated a bit and I could see she was uncomfortable but I kept quiet to encourage her to carry on.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted, it's just that I didn't think you'd be the one to do something so... Spontaneous as planning a trip. Look Mimi I love you, and I want you to enjoy your life, but I can't help but be scared that one day you won't need me anymore and start living without me. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I didn't want you to grow up anytime soon and this trip just made it so realistic to me, that you're a grown woman now and there's nothing I can do about it."

During her speech she had started crying, which made me tear up too. My mom has always been the confident type, not alot phased her but I could see with the way she wringed her hands that she was nervous about this, I put my hand on hers.

"Mama, I'm this grown woman because you allowed it, yes all my life I had done what was needed but I'm still strong minded and opinionated, and that's all because of you mama, and I'm still growing up, so if you think I don't need you anymore, you're wrong, I'll forever need your guidance and love. I just want to go live a little before I have to be the serious, up-tight lawyer I was destined to be."

She laughed at that last part but she hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"Be safe over there Mimi and just call me every day, aww this is like when you came to collage!"

I laughed and we just talked about my plans and Italy before we went to join everyone downstairs.

Italy here I come!!

🌷 Character announcement!!🌷


obo Hinata

Ojīsan Kenji


randpa David


randma Lee-Ann


ncle Daniel


unt Zara


rey Morgan, cousin.


melia, cousin and second best friend.

🌷Sobo means grandmother in Japanese and Ojīsan means grandfather in Japanese.🌷

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