" Geez, you are so shameless " you said and I just chuckled at your words while moving towards you.

I went towards you and pulled you towards my chest while blocking your way to go.

" Atleast let me see the blushing face " I said removing your face only to find the dark red shade in your cheeks.

" I am not blushing "

" Oh babe you are " I said and laughed while you glared trying to hide your blush.

" Wait. Now see my face. Now I am not blushing " you said and I looked towards your face.

The blush was gone but you still were trying to hide your smile.

While I was busy noticing this,
I relaized I fell into your trap
Just the way I fell for you,
Very easily!

A pillow directly landed on my face
Followed by your chuckles.

" Not funny " I said and rolled my eyes.

" Anyways, Tomorrow I have to attend a party " I said and your face fell.

" But tomorrow we had plans "

" I know but it's also important. But I will leave from there as soon as possible then we will celebrate Christmas eve together, I promise " I said and you nodded.

" I understand "

The thing I loved about you was this,
No matter what the situation was, you understood me like no one else.

" But we are going to celebrate it together at any cost " you said I pecked your lips.

" Definitely "

I looked into your eyes just to find love,
It was clearly seen that nothing else mattered more,
Just simple and sweet love,
The way you liked.

" I love you so much " you said and hugged me directly.

" Me too. I can't wait for us to get married " I said and hugged you back.

There we were in our comfort zone,
You in my arms,
And I was in your embrace.
That's what mattered the most.
The togetherness.

The time was so good back then,
No ignorance, no misunderstandings,
Just love and love.

But then responsibilities landed on our shoulders and we let that love fade. And it was indeed our fault

Because love never fade on it's own, it fades when you let it go.

And it was what we did.
We couldn't hold onto the love for much time.

(Past situation 2: 4 months ago)

It was the time for the Christmas,
Your favourite season,
But it all seemed dull,
No celebration, no Decoration,
Just work and work.

Though we were present in the same room, but we were actually not.
You were busy with your work and I was busy with mine.

" I have a party invite tomorrow, would you like join? " You asked and I thought for a while.

" I have work to do " I tell and your face fell.

" So you are not coming? " You asked and I nodded.

" I can't "

" After completing the work if you can manage? " You asked.

" I told you I can't. Don't disturb me now please " I replied as the irritation clicked me.

I got engaged in my work again,
You left from there with a sigh and shaking your head.

I guess I failed to notice your efforts because I was too busy.

If only I would have reacted a little differently then atleast some thing would be saved.

The things at start were really small, we were the ones who made it very big. And then made a mess out of it.

First there were just some cracks in our relationship,
And instead of filling them up,
We let them tear it apart.

That was the mistake.

Not only of yours,
Not only of mine,
But of you and me together,
Who once used to be us.

Maybe it was her fault that she failed to convince him?
Maybe it was his fault that he didn't removed a little time for her?

Whoever's fault it was,
Ignorance in thier relationship arrived and broke another string.


~..Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover....~

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