Bonus - Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Lie." He snorted.  

I wish those hellhounds would bite him, she thought, on the legs, maybe his butt while they're on it.

Hellhounds, if you can hear me, please bite Hermes for me. 

"Ah!" He shrieked.

"Got bitten, yes?"  She asked innocently. "But not too bad right?"

Best hellhounds ever! Thanks you two. 

Hades and Demeter laughed at his expense. Hermes grumbled something unintelligible and walked away rubbing his bum while the rest laughed.

She hadn't realized other gods had popped in. "Oh hey guys! No fancy party up in Olympus?" She saw her dad in the crowd of gods. "Hey dad!" 

Everyone looked at her. "What? Do you need an introduction or something? You all know them." 

"Actually, I don't. I really don't." Her sister said as she stared. "They're gods? Like for real?"

"Yeah for real."

"An intro will be nice," her sister muttered. 

"The one who got bitten was Hermes." She pointed to the one wearing a leopard print shirt. "That is Dionysus aka Mr. D." Then she pointed to her father wearing all black and Persephone in his arms. "That's Hades and Persephone. Adorable."

"Didn't Hades kidnap Persephone though? You ship them?"

"Naw. Misconception. Like how they depict Hades with blue fire for hair and sharp pointy teeth."

"He's not like that?"

"No! Though I wish he'd do that." 



"Dad." She nodded once to her father. "Persephoneee! That dress is amazing! Where'd you get it from?"

"I just borrowed it from Aphrodite." 


"I came over to wish you a happy solstice," her father said. "Your gift will be kept in the Underworld. You can take it to Camp when you go but for now, or back home if your mother allows you."

"What did you get me?" she asked. 

"You've always wanted a dog so I got you two of them." 

"No way. What's the breed? How can they live in the Underworld?"

"They're hellhounds. I hope you don't mind-"

Her smile froze. The words registered in her mind. A hellhound. Two. "You're not lying are you?"

Her father shook his head. 

Oh my gods! "Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" On impulse she hugged her dad. "Best gift ever!" 

She came back to her senses and released her father from the hug and looked at the floow in embarrassment. "I mean, thanks dad. Amazing gift." 

"Do you have any names in mind?" Persephone asked. 

"I can name them?" 

"They are yours." 

"I still can't believe the last minute." 

Persephone laughed. "Hades, where's the other gift?" 

"Other gift?"

"Right." He snapped his fingers. "Here you go. This oneis from the both of us." He handed her a box. "Open it."

A set of jewelry sat there sparkling prettily. "You spoil me too much." Sapphires. Damn. 

"No such thing." 

"Better yet, they turn to weapons!" Persephone exclaimed. "We hope you like it."

"Like it? I love it!" 


The rest of the night was filled with opening their presents.

From Mr. D, she got a bottle of wine. Specially made, he said. 

"I'm underage!" 

"It's just grape juice," he said. 

Sceptically, she popped the bottle and smelled alcohol. "There's alcohol here."

"Yeah duh. Grape juice with alcohol. Wine. Grape juice." 

"Oh my gods." 

From Hermes: new shoes. 

"Thank you." 

"Let's run sometime soon!" 

Athena: Books. 

She died and went to Elysium for a moment  when she saw the amount of books the goddess sent. Enough to fill her library back home. Maybe more. 

"Mom, we're going to need a bigger library!" she squealed.

"Oh my god. The one at home is big enough!" 


"You have too many books." Her mother sighed. "I'll install another shelf."

"Thanks mom!" 

Aphrodite: a bunch of new clothes. 

Ares: weapons! 

Hephaestus: a device that emits  bright light and won't run out of battery. It even have prints of star constellations if she wanted to see them. 

"Thanks Hephy." 

He grunted. "Your devices are also magicked. They won't attract monsters anymore. And they won't run out of batteries."

"You can do that?!" 

"I just did." 

"Now that's amazing! You've been hiding the best things from me!" 

The gifts from others were similar to books, weapons, or jars with never ending cookies." 

Her sweet tooth went to heaven when Hera sent the jar. 

She got a jacket and a hoodie from Percy.

"You get cold easily," he said. 

A stuffie from her sister. A huge fluffy stitch. 

A new dress from her mom. 

Money from her grandma. Easiest thing to give but also very useful. She made a mental note to send much more to her grandma. 

Another book from Percy's mom. Whoo!

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