He soon pulled the end with the rope and a red smoke was released into the air. Though that didn't stop the enemy and they charged at them with weapons in hand.

Chopper and guards started fighting against the enemy while Usopp readied his slingshot.


Soon, a small ball went towards the enemy and exploded, taking out a few guards. Though, it was becoming harder and harder since they were outnumbered.

Because of this, a few were immediately charged toward the cloaked figure while the others had their hands full.

The guards had their eyes widen in horror thinking that their head will be attacked, but the woman in the cloak simply just lifted her hands and placed them in front of her chest in a crossed position.

"Trienta Fleur: Strangle!!!"

Arms started to sprout from the enemy's chest that we were attacking her. The arms started to choke the enemy causing them to fall to the ground in defeat.

That's when the enemy and guards realized that the person in the cloak was not Aiko.


On Route #1.

Similarly, another group with a few guards, a woman in the cloak, and a blonde cook were heading towards the Aoi village. The guards there too believed that the person in the cloak was Aiko.

It didn't take too long for Sanji to notice the red smoke in the air and find himself in front of the enemy along with Tsunesaburo.

"Hahaha!! It was a nice try to trick me by the decoy, but unfortunately for you guys, it won't work on me!!" Tsunesaburo exclaimed while laughing menacingly.

The guards panicked while seeing that the enemy and Tsunesaburo were getting ready to attack. While Sanji just calmly removed a device that looked like a smoke bomb and released it into the air. Removing the cigarette placed between his mouth, he dropped it and crushed it under his feet while looking at the enemy charging at him.

"As if I would let bastards like you hurt a lady."

He said while jumping into the air and landing on the ground between the enemies in a handstand.


He then spun around rapidly, delivering a savage kick to the face of anyone within range. The guards looked in surprise as he alone took out a handful of guys.

Tsunesaburo immediately readied his gun but instead of Sanji, he aimed it toward the woman in the cloak.

"That scoundrel!!!"

Sanji exclaimed in rage as he saw a small missile heading towards her. He immediately ran towards her and jumped sideways along with her before the missile reached.

They fell to the ground as an explosion took place where the woman in the cloak was a few minutes ago. Though the shock wave caused the hood that was covering the woman's face to drop.

Tsunesaburo and his men widened their eyes when they saw a woman with orange hair, instead of brown.

"Nami-san!! Are you okay?!" Sanji asked in a worried voice to the women with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks to you!"

Nami said while standing up and dusting off her cloak while the guards looked at her in surprise. That's when one of Tsunesaburo's men approached him.

"Boss, I got information from our men that the person on route #3 was not Aiko as well." He informed.

Their boss's eyes widened in shock, though a confused expression formed on his face as well.

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