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If one had to describe the Strawhats in a single words, they would say- Chaotic.

But then again, pirates are meant to be chaotic. Back at Kei's home, things were always one could say...... peaceful and quiet. A quietness that she had grown used to. Of course she knew that Strawhats were a chaotic group before she joined the crew but she never imagined what it could be like to be a part of the chaos.

That's why, the first thing to happen to her when she woke up was definitely not being thrown into the sea by Luffy.

A great way to start her first day as a Strawhats isn't it?

In Luffy's part, he was playing around with Usopp and one of his stretched arms had ended up hitting Kei by mistakenly. Thankfully, Usopp was quick to help her.

To make it worse, when she was back at the ship safely, Luffy had simply said, "Sorry." That too while picking his nose and with a bored expression on his face.

It had taken all in her to not just snap and fling him towards the sea with a stone tied to his feet or to strangle him by tying his own stretchy hand around his neck.

For a really small moment she wondered, ' Was it really a good decision to join the crew?'

After changing ,Kei had ended up relaxing in the kitchen of the ship while Sanji was making snacks.

"Kei-chan~! Here are the relaxing sweets I made for you! "

He placed a plate in front of her which had different flavors of cupcakes placed on it. The frosting and different combination of sprinkles and flavours made it look enciting and couldn't help but make anyone drool at the site. Kei face lighted up a bit at the sight of the cupcakes.

"Wow, looks good."

Picking up one of them, she took a bite from it. And she couldn't help but hum in delight as the taste melted in her mouth.

I knew he is good in cooking but this tastes than any cupcakes I had before .

"Of course it will be, after all, I put all my love for you in it~! And here is the coffee you asked for. " He said while placing a cup of hot coffee in front of her.

The aroma of it allured her and she took a sip from it. It had the right amount of milk and sugar( which was actually a lot) which she liked. Kei was a person who could never drink coffee without milk and sugar and she could never understand how other people could drink it. It would be too bitter for her.

She thanked him and he went outside to give snacks to Nami and Vivi. As she continued to enjoy her snack, she heard some voices from outside and suddenly Luffy, Carue, and Usopp burst into the room.

" I'm first !!!" Usopp shouted excitedly with hands up in the air.

" Ohh! That looks tasty !!"

Luffy was drooling at the sight of the cupcakes and then in the exact next moment, Kei saw a hand coming towards her plate. But before the hand could reach her cupcakes, she instantly slapped it away .

"Your snacks are placed over there, don't take mine."

She said while taking another sip from her coffee and pointing her finger towards the kitchen counter. They immediately ran over there and started gobbling their part of cupcakes.

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