"Harry? Olivia? Is that one of you?" Hermione's voice whispered.

"You've got us both." I whispered back into the tent canvas.

"How are you feeling?" She asked concerned. "Okay?" Neither Harry or I had much to say. I honestly felt like my breakfast was going to come back up. "The key is to concentrate. After that you just have too..."

"Battle a dragon?" Harry and I replied in unison.

Hermione grunted and moved the canvas away. She landed on me first and I hugged her back tightly. I would forever be thankful for her. She quickly moved on to hugging Harry and another flash went off. The three of us turned to see Rita Skeeter peeking through the tent again.

"Young love." She sighed dreamily before marching into the tent. "Oh, how...mmm. Stirring." She glanced at Harry Hermione and I with a mischievous smirk. "If everything goes... unfortunately today, who knows you all might just make the front page." She grinned.

"You have no business here." Viktor stepped forward near us, shielding me slightly. "This tent is for champions and friends." Viktor glared intensely at her, which made Rita nervous.

"No matter." Rita shrugged. "We've, uh, got what we wanted." She grinned and the camera man took another photo of Viktor standing slightly in front of me. His hand had reached back and grabbed mine slightly. I hoped that they wouldn't have caught that.

"Good day champions!" Dumbledore greeted as he entered the tent with the other headmasters, Mr. Filch and Barty Crouch. "Gather round, please. Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last, the moment has arrived. A moment only the five of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore spoke to the lot of us, doing as double take as he noticed Hermione with us, clinging to Harry and I's arms. "What are you doing here, Miss Granger?"

"Oh, um, sorry. I'll just go." Hermione said and quickly left the tent.

"Barty! The bag."

"Champions, in a circle around me." Mr. Crouch stated and began to move us around him. "Miss Delacour, over here. Mr. Krum. And uh, Potter's, uh, Potter's... Over here."

Barty Crouch placed us each in order from whom would chose first, allowing the older children to go before Harry and I.

"Now, Miss Delacour, if you will." He held out the bag for her and it steamed as soon as it opened, as well as you could hear the snarls. She reached in and picked up a miniature green dragon. "The Welsh Green. Mr. Krum?" Viktor went next and he pulled out a small red dragon with golden spikes along it's face. "The Chinese Fireball. Ooo. Mr. Diggory. The Swedish Short Snout. Miss Potter, if you will."

Of course that left the two most dangerous dragons left for Harry and I. I bravely stuck my hand into the bag and pulled one out. It sat in my hand and it's purple gazing eyes stared up at me, and snarled.

"The Hebridean Black, tsk, tsk." He clicked his tongue as if he were sorry that was the dragon I picked. "Which now leaves..."

"The Horntail." Harry whispered.

"What's that boy?" Crouch asked.

"Nothing!" Harry said quickly as he took out his miniature dragon.

"The Hungarian Horntail." Barty smiled. Harry and I both looked at the snarling dragons in our hands and up to Dumbledore. He was seemingly concerned as well. "These represent five very real Dragons, each of which have been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple. Collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue, without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?"

The Potter Twins: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now