His expression softening, Harry took Mollie's hand in his, giving it a squeeze. As much as he could tell she was looking forward to spending Christmas with him, it was clear that she was down about not spending it with her own family, "that's stupid. We want you around and we want you to sing and dance and play games and whatever other shit we get up to at Christmas."

"Thanks Harry. I'm really looking forward to the next few days. I really appreciate you doing this for me." Mollie whispered, running her thumb across the top of his hand.

"I don't know when you're gonna get it through that thick skull of yours, but there's not much I wouldn't do for you, Mollie." Harry grinned. A moment of thought later, he continued, "probably murder. I wouldn't kill anyone."

Mollie laughed, "please don't kill anyone."

                        ❥  ❥  ❥

ROSIE AND HER BOYFRIEND had planned to pick up Harry and Mollie from the airport once they'd landed. Making their way to where Harry was certain he'd arranged to meet them, Mollie was taking in her surroundings now she was finally in Guernsey.

She'd heard so many stories about it from Harry and Rosie and honestly, she'd been dying to visit. Just from the airport, she was already excited, a lot more than Harry, who'd seen it all a million times before and was just glad they'd made it in one piece with all their stuff in tact.

Once they'd stopped in place and Harry had texted Rosie, Mollie looked up at him with the brightest grin, "so you're finally gonna give me that tour of Guernsey you promised me?"

"Suppose I will." He shrugged, a smile growing on his lips, "although from your performance on Geoguessr I don't think you'll need it." With a laugh from both of them, Harry ran his hands through his hair, "Rosie's bringing her boyfriend."

"Exciting, right?" Mollie said softly, searching Harry's expression for his answer.

Grimacing, he shook his head, "I trust Rosie's judgment and I'm sure he's more than sound, but I'm gonna have to be 'scary big brother' so he knows he can't hurt her." He sighed, running his hand across his forehead, "I don't think I'm very good at it. Too bloody awkward."

"If it helps, when I was trying to be 'scary big sister,' I couldn't stop crying and I can't even really remember what he looked like I was so drunk." Mollie admitted with an equally defeated expression.

"I wouldn't worry, the sound you make when you cry probably scared him enough." Harry teased her, looking pretty pleased with himself as she threw him a sarcastic smile, "well if you weren't scary enough and — God forbid — this Danny bloke does hurt Dawn, just know, I'll be right by your side, helping you beat him up."

"And if Rosie's boyfriend hurts her, I'll help you fuck him up." Mollie agreed, giving Harry a high five. Leaning her head against his shoulder, Mollie found herself naturally linking her arm into his, "you never know, the donny might be just as awkward as you are."

Harry grinned down at her, "hopefully."

Not long later, the sound of a car door slamming closed caught their attentions and a beaming Rosie came rushing towards them. Squealing, she opened her arms and pulled Mollie into the biggest hug, swaying her from side to side as they embraced each other.

Breaking apart, Rosie sighed contentedly, "oh my god, it's so good to see you."

Mollie was overwhelmed with joy as she held her at arms length, "it's so good to see you too, you look fucking amazing, bloody hell!"

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