8 | a wet mop

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AFTER HOURS OF SHOPPING, Mollie arrived home at her apartment, her arms covered in shopping bags filled with things from birthday presents for her younger sister to clothes that she'd seen and impulsively bought — she considered herself lucky that...

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AFTER HOURS OF SHOPPING, Mollie arrived home at her apartment, her arms covered in shopping bags filled with things from birthday presents for her younger sister to clothes that she'd seen and impulsively bought — she considered herself lucky that the YouTube money allowed her to do that. The girls had taken little notice to the rain pouring down outside and had certainly made the most of the time they had to spend together and the time in the shops to binge buy, each coming home with big bags filled with stuff.

However, the rain outside had only added to the fact that the daylight hours were rapidly getting shorter in London with it being even further into the Autumn and the fact that it was late afternoon anyway, by the time Mollie was safely back home, the sky was darkening, leaving only a dull light across Mollie's apartment.

Kicking her shoes off, she weaved her way through into the living area and placed down her bags on the kitchen island with a sigh of relief, stretching her back out, wincing slightly as she did so before pulling off her sopping wet coat and hanging it up above the radiator in hopes of it drying before she next needed it. Without having to have seen it with her own eyes yet, Mollie knew her hair must be a mess. The wind and rain had tossed it about so much that it could easily be a brown mop sat on the top of her head from where she'd tried to conceal it underneath her hood. If she'd have known the rain would've been this awful before she left her house that morning, she would've worn it up in a way that it would be easier to control — or at least have brought an umbrella.

Approaching the small mirror hanging on the wall just besides the coat hangers with tired eyes, Mollie scrunched up her face as she saw the state of her hair in the mirror. Snatching up her hairbrush from the side, where she kept it in case of emergencies such as this one, Mollie next fiddled around for the light switch to turn on the main light, keeping her eyes on the mirror as she knew well enough where the switch was without having to concentrate on it.

Finally flipping the switch, Mollie paused as nothing happened, frowned deeply before putting her focus on the switch. Flipping it again, then again, she had no hope. Groaning loudly, she threw her head back in annoyance before stomping into her living space and grabbing the TV remote to try that.

When the TV didn't turn on, Mollie's suspicions were confirmed that the power must've been out and Mollie was so done with it. After checking every single light switch she could think of in the flat and having a chat with the nice lady who lived in the apartment below her to make sure, she'd learnt that the power of the whole apartment block was out and nobody was sure when it would come back.

Storming back up the flight of stairs to her apartment, Mollie threw open the door and grabbed her bag with her phone, keys and 'important stuff' (otherwise known as everything she could possibly need that she carried with her daily), wandered into her bedroom and picked up the hoodie from on the back of her chair, pulling it over her head, then pulling on her still damp coat and leaving her apartment, slamming the door behind her.

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