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In training ground 5 of sunagakure luffy stood passively, staring at nothing. "I'm bored" he yawns out

Shukaku scoffs in his mindscape "so am i brat, tch!, you've become boring since you stopped killing people"

"I killed a few foreign shinobi's last week" luffy says blandly

"It's not the same, you used to kill your allies for looking at you wrong, now look at you. Disappointing!" Shukaku says in a annoyed tone

"I know what you doing" luffy says stoically picking his nose

"Tch! Booo boo boooooo"  shukaku chants out in a dramatic fashion

Luffy ignores shukaku and lays down on a tree in close proximity and closes his eyes

"OI!! What're you doing!?" Shukaku cries out in a alarmed state

"I'm sleeping" he retrots

"I'll take over if you sleep" shukaku says trying to act menacing

"You let me sleep last month"


"Fine, I'll find a way to entertain myself?" Luffy says walking away from the training ground

"Killing?" Shukaku innocently suggests

"Nope, it's not as exciting as it used to be" luffy says sighing and rubbing the tiredness away from his eyes

After walking around and finding nothing to do luffy ends up going to the cemetery and stops on a grave written Karura

"Mother" luffy says slowly as emotions brewed inside of him. Inhaling he speaks again "why am i alive?, i died once due to my failures and now i'm here why? I can't understand" luffy says clutching his hands in frustration

"I wonder if i was brought here for a reason or not?. I don't know" luffy doesn't say anything after that and insteads sits peacefully in front of the grave 

"Gaara" A voice sofly says besides him, this nakes him snap his head to the right to find nothing "mother" he says in shakey tone 'even beyond heaven, she looks after someone like me?" He questions as tears begin descending

Standing up and wiping his tears luffy walks towards the exit before stopping halfway "thank you" he quietly says before leaving the graveyard

"Ko......noha is asking for our...... help?" The new kazekage baki utters in a flabbergasted expression

Chiyo sitted across the kazekage nods and speaks "yes they are and i have already accepted this mission"

"Why?" Baki asks still flabbergasted

Chiyo "simply put our image, working with the village we recently had dispute with will show that suna is professional and i already requested for konoha to send 10% of their mission requests in return of this mission"

Baki "i see that was a wise move, elder chiyo. So who's to be appointed"

"your former team"  Chiyo says

"I understand both kankuro and temari but isn't sending gaara unwise?" He skeptical asks

"No need to worry. gaara has been stable since our defeat against konoha" chiyo reassures

"I'll take your word then" the kazekage says still running through the worst case scenario's in his mind

Standing by the gate and preparing to leave was gaara and his siblings

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