The Stronger Side

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The two shinobi start by clashing with taijutsu, Kakashi already familiar with the uchihas visual prowess takes a page out of gais book and fights while facing itachis legs

"it won't work for you senpai" itachi states before kicking Kakashis face and then quickly striking the recovering man's jaw

'to think that he hasn't even reached his full potential' Kakashi thinks fearing itachis potential

"thought as much" he says before running full speed at itachi slightly catching him of guard to kick him and sending him back a bit "you're very strong but.."

"but?"  itachi asks

"are you stronger than me right now?"

'where is gaara?, the yonbi is causing too much damage. What can I really do against such a beast?'

She thinks trying her best alongside her brother and the konoha members next to her

"I won't be able to hold down the yonbi at all, the hyugas can't close its Chakra points, the Chakra is also toxic so shino bugs die the moment they steal it,
Ino isn't mentally strong enough to overtake it's brain, Kiba can't cause significant damage and kankuro is on the same boat" shikamaru observes causing most of the shinobis to feel useless

Kankuro scoffs at shikamarus observation "i'm going to sucker punch it you stop it sis"

"you're putting too much on my shoulders"

"the reason he isn't rushing back is cause he believes in us" he tells his sister

"fine, don't blame me if it's not going to work"

"doesn't matter, as along as you did what you could"

"let's go then"

"where is that masked man?" deidara questions watching the destruction "he talked about a gorilla but I didn't think he would release a whole ass tailed beast, I really don't like that guy his up to something"

"I'm so lost the sand Is complicated" deidra hears a female's voice below "ho a target brought itself to my proximity" he crafts a small bird that blows up the unsuspecting victim whom comes out of it looking mostly fine

"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" Fuu screams at deidara as she quickly healed from the explosion

"tch, another freak huh, let's see what you got"

"I don't want to fight, I need to go to the yonbi"

"good luck doing that with me chasing you" she Flys away with her wings the moment he says that thinking she avoided him but unfortunately for her he was also capable of flying using a giant clay bird

He lunches multiple explosions causing her to speed up to dodge them "she's limble, I'll have to get closer" he also speeds up almost reaching her "got ya" she mutters before releasing her scale powder that shines so brightly that it blinds deidara. She pounces the moment his blinded by sending wind slashes with her wings cutting the Akatsuki and sending off his bird and painfully into a building below him

She cringes the moment he impacts with the concrete "I'M SORRY!" she shouts before flying away towards the yonbi "chomei, will you be able to stop yonbi?" she asks her tailed beast

"if he does not want to listen to reason then we might have to use force, don't worry pipsqueak I will win in a fight I'm lucky number seven after all" he reassures

"hey someone with that red cloud cloak is fighting a granny on the ground, should I help her?"

"what do you want do?"

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