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"where the fuck did that stupid bastard deidara go?" kisame growls "you're the one with fucking special eyes where did he go?" he asks the passive itachi

"my eyes don't work like that and besides the explosion was to bright and left a lot of smoke, the smoke just now opened up" itachi informs getting a grunt from his partner

"the next part of the plan needs him, let's get him" the shark man says

"we not suppose to make a early entrance, we will improvise if he is truly incapable of carrying out his task"

"let's just watch for now" sasori says getting a nod from itachi "i'm starting to get fucking impatient" kisame says promptly being ignored by his stoic teammates

When deidara woke up he found himself in a completely dark dimension with blocks being the only thing in it "glad to see you awake senpai" a anxiously cheerful voice greets the bomber who rubbed His head In pain "who the fuck are you and why am I here?" deidara questions

"I'm tobi hehe and this is my dimensions where I put you in after the scary redhead knocked you out" tobi does gestures that make the defeated deidara even more annoyed "get me out here, I still have to do that shit boss's plan"

"Okey doiky" they leave the dimensions in a swirl

Gaara returned back to the tower "temari get kankuro and get to the shelters, orochimaru and the other attackers are purposely staying at the gate there must be another group hiding somewhere the only lives here to attack are the hiding civilians"


"the haki squad is at the gate"

"but gaara they are still jus-"

"this is his chance to prove that he can succeed my position. NOW GO!"

She keeps her thoughts to herself and leaves to save the practically defenseless civilians with a few shinobis guarding them, as she keeps jumping around roofs she finally spots kankuro heading to the shelter center with the copy ninja Kakashi himself

"OI!" she calls out

"oh tem, Kakashi told me tha-"

"they are planning to attack the shelters" she finishes "you already know how?"

"gaara saw the suspicious activities in the air, how did you guys guess?"

"I sent my dog summons around the village they spotted the weird activity, I was conflicted in joining the ferry in the front entrance to confront orochimaru but this is currently more important" Kakashi says clutching his fist thinking about how problematic the snake senin will be

"don't worry our best unit is there"

"oh those guys I wonder if they can deal with that slimey bastard"

Kakashi offered nothing as the siblings spoke about this special unit, he wondered how strong it actually was

Arriving at the shelters the three shinobis joined the numerous guards outside the building, they only had to wait 20 minutes before the wall behind the shelters exploded and more of orochimarus man  entered through the hole charging at the shelters

Kakashi watches as every shinobi around him prepare themselves nervously at the impending battle

"everyone stand near the shelters we got this" temari and kankuro jump towards the hoard of  enemies, each of them punch unsuspecting nins so hard they get sent back out the hole they entered through "let's have fun sis" kankuro unveils a puppet and coats it in haki Making it so hard that non of the enemies are able to dent it no matter what they throw it he makes quick work of the them cutting through their numbers with relative ease

Next to the puppeteer temari flings her fan around with so much force that multiple of the enemies fly out the hole

"OI sis do that attack" kankuro says whilst controlling his puppets on one hand and smack any enemy that got close with the other

Temari does ten hand signs before releasing a giant haki tornado with her fan "BLACK ROPE TATSUMAKI!!" she screams

The tornado sucks in everything near it and cuts it apart once it's inside of it

Kakashi watches the attack with widen eyes 'I'm not sure how I would counter that, I saw her during the chunin exams who would have thought that in a few years she'd reach my level' he thinks reevaluating sunas standing among the other nations. he gets dragged out his thoughts as kankuro releases a fire ball jutsu in to the tatsumaki making it even more destructive

Now the leafs jounins mouth was agape in shock "this is no doubt a ss-rank jutsu" he states before narrowing his eyes at a sound ninja who runs towards the two sand ninjas with their backs turned

"WATCH O-" he isn't able to finish as temari swiftly hits the sneaky enemy with a backheal kick that flings him into a building

"troublesome" a panting shikamaru exits the building the enemy landed in with his teammate ino and multiple other leaf shinobis like neji, hinata, kiba, and shino

"yo" temari greets them

"you did that on purpose" shikamaru grunts with barely hidden anger she just shrugs her shoulder carelessly "care to join us?" she asks

"I'm not tryna get stuck in that" kiba comments

"yeah... We are fine" shikamaru concludes walking as far as possible from the tatsumaki with the other leaf ninja following

The fight concludes and so does the tatsumaki

"that was easy" kankuro says standing over the fallen sound shinobis "hmm I don't Like this, something isn't right I can feel it" he says scrunching his features

"RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" the eardrum destroying sound reaches the shinobis

Looking towards the sound they all freeze as the looming figure of the four tails stands next to the kazekages tower. one punch from the yonbi causes the tower to fall

"GGGAAAAAARRRAAA!!" both siblings scream

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