Chapter 7.Where's The Destiel Dou?

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As Gabriel is rushed to the hospital, Sam stands there, his tears blemding in with the rain. He clutches his fists together tightly, unable to bear the thought of losing Gabriel.
I had only just found him....I can't lose him....
"I want to go home...," Sam sobs. Castiel stares at him, tearing up as well.
"We'll visit him when we can, all right, Sammy?" Dean suggests. Sam nods, as they head back to the Impala.
Castiel and Sam cry silently to themselves, Dean trying to stay calm.
"Sam, he's not going to-"
"You don't know that, Dean!" Castiel interrupts. His outburst nearly caused Dean to swerve off of the road. "You look like you don't even give a shit about us losing one of the only person we love...."
"All right, Cas, you know why I'm not crying? Because I need to fucking stay strong! I need to stay strong for Sam's sake! Believe me, I am dying inside! Not just because of Gabriel, but because now I am fucking horrified for the sake of you and Sammy both!" Dean yells. He pulls over to continue. "You think I'm not upset? Trust me, I am! I have been for a long time, up until I met you! You think I'm not upset about this? News flash, Cas, I'm dying inside! For your sake and Sam's! It's thanks to that asshole at Arby's that the only person you love is in the hospital! It's thanks to that asshole at Arby's that Sam is probably thinking suicide! It's thanks to that asshole that I might fucking lose you and Sam because of this damn incident! It's thanks to homophobes that I can't fucking be with y-" he stops. At that last sentence, he stops. He won't say anymore, he can't. He's afraid. So he starts the car up again, and off they go. They stay quiet the rest of the ride home.

When they get home, Sam runs to his room, crying in his pillow. Though his muffled cries could be heard, Dean and Cas both knew that it is best to leave Sam by himself for a while.
"Dean, I'm-"
"Don't, Cas," Dean interrupts, "You shouldn't be apologizing. I'm sorry for yelling at you, all right?"
"Cas, let's just go to sleep," Dean yawns.
"But, Dean-"
"Let's go see Gabriel tomorrow," Dean interrupts again.
Castiel looks down at ths floor, but joins Dean. He sighs, and closes his eyes, as a single tear falls down his face.

"Dean," Castiel asks in the car.
"What?" Dean yawns.
"Last the car...," Castiel begins.
"What...about it?" Dean asks slowly.
"I....I'm sorry....," Castiel whispers, twiddling his thumbs.
Dean sighs. "Cas, don't be. I'm the one who got pissier. Let's not talk about this any further."
Castiel looks up at him with sad eyes, but sighs, saying no more.
"It's all your fault...," Sam murmurs.
Dean immediately stops the car, looking back at Sam, amazement and shock in his eyes. "Whos?"
"Yours...," Sam whispers.
Castiel looks back at Sam too, shock and angdr in his eyes. "Why do you think that?"
"You guys were too busy flirting to even pay attention to us! If it wasn't for you two flirting, nothig would have happened to Gabriel!" Sam yells angrily. Tears start to flood his eyes, sadness overwhelming him.
"Don't call me that!" Sam screams.
Dean looks like his heart had just been torn apart, ripped to pieces, stomped on, and thrown to the street for vultures to eat and cars to run over. "Sam...," he cries. His voice cracks, and he's so sad that he can't even cry. His breathing becomes unsteady, and even Castiel's soothing hug is no help.
Dean slowly moves back to the wheel, driving the rest of the way to school.

"Dean!" Mr.Crowley snaps.
Dean jumps away from his thoughts. "Y-yes, sir!" The class laughs.
"Tell me what the square root of eight is," Mr.Crowley asks.
"Uh...f-five?" Dean mutters. The class laughs.
Mr.Crowley sighs. "Dean, why are you so off track today? What's on your mind, son? Tell me."
"Mr.Crowley, may we go to the office?" Castiel asks.
Mr.Crowley sighs. "Fine. Go."
Cas takes Dean's hand, leading him to the hallway. They walk slowly.
"Dean, do you just want to get Sam and go visit Gabriel?" Castiel asks.
"Sam hates me...," Dean says quietly.
"Fine, fine. Why don't we go to visit Sam? You know, check and see if he's fine," Castiel suggests.
"I guess...," Dean replies quietly.
When they get to the office, Castiel asks for permission to go home. When they ask, they tell them that it's because Dean feels sick.
"I'll drive," Castiel suggests. He's surprised when he's granted permission, because Dean never lets anyone drive his car-his baby.

When Dean and Castiel see Gabriel laying on his side, facing the window, they expect him to be asleep. Instead, they hear his tiny voice ask in a husky, horrified way; " Sammy with you?"
"No, he, uh....he couldn't come...," Castiel lies.
He expects a "why?", but Gabriel just whispers; "Then why come if my Sammy isn't with you?"
"We wanted to know the condition you're in," Castiel replies.
"I'm fine...physically," Gabriel answers, "I need my Sammy...."
"When are you getting out?" Castiel asks.
"Anytime...," Gabriel replies.
"So, now?" Dean asks. Gabriel nods.
"How is Sam?" Gabriel asks.
"He's....," Dean begins.
"I'll go talk to a nurse," Castiel says, leaving the room.
"He's not doing so well," Dean answers.
"I'll be seeing him today though, right?" Gabriel asks. He turns to face Dean, looking hopeful.
"Probably," Dean replies.
That's when they hear guns shots being fired and people screaming.
The door kicks open, and a girl with medium length black hair shows up, holding two pistols.
"Move!" She says.
"Who the Hell are you?" Dean asks.
"I'm here to fulfill Metatron's wish!" She announces, "Killing Gabriel and his mom!"
"Oh, Hell no you don't!" Dean says, bringing out a pistol, and immediately shooting it. Castiel and Gabriel scream, as her lifeless body falls to the floor.
"Oh, is it that easy?" Dean questions to himself with a shrug.
After a long moment of silence, Cas gets mad.
"I fucking told you, Dean!" He yells, "I told you Metatron would have a plan to kill them! Gabriel would have died if you didn't have a gun!"
"I know, Cas. And I'm sorry, I truly am...," Dean explains, "It's just.....I couldn't stand seeing you like hurt me...mentally...."
Castiel looks at him sympathetically. His anger starts to fade away, but slowly.
"Let's go home before the news crew arrives," Dean says.

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