Chapter 2.A Friend

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"Try to make a friend today," Dean explains, "Please..."
Sam just looks into his eyes, not promising anything. They stare like that with Dean's eyes flooding with sympathy, and Sam's clouded with a hidden curtain of emotion. After a while, Sam leaves with Dean sighing sadly.

Sam keeps his head hanging low, watching each foot move forward with each step. He walks to his locker, puts in the combination, and gathers his books. When he turns, he knocks into a boy with blonde hair.
"I'm sorry!" The boy apologizes, "I was looking for someone who could help me..."
Sam points to himself with a questionable look. The boy nods.
"Yes, please. I'm trying to get to class...221B? Mrs.Abaddon," the boy explains. His eyes shine a bright golden color. The boy looks up from his schedule, as Sam gestures him to follow.
"Thank you!" The boy says. "I'm Gabriel, by the way." Sam doesn't respond. Only a slight nod, but even that was hard to notice.
"Why aren't you talking? Do you hate me or something?" Gabriel asks. Sam shakes his head and turns left. "Then what is it?" Gabriel asks.
Sam takes a stop at a classroom and Gabriel bumps into him yet again. He apologizes and takes a seat in the very back of the room, coincidentally next to where Sam sits.
"So, uh...can you at least tell me your name?" Gabriel asks. Sam still remains silent. He just sits there, staring at the floor, deep in thought.
"All right then. Can you-"
"Hey, Samuel, is Gabriel bothering you?" Mrs.Abaddon asks. Sam's head jerks up and before Gabriel has the chance to explain, he quickly shakes his head. Mrs.Abaddon gives Gabriel a warning glare and goes back to writing on the whiteboard.
Gabriel turns his head toward Sam. "Thank you," he mouths, as he gets back to writing his notes down.

The bell rings a piercing screech as the hallways fill with happy students just waiting to kick back and chill for the rest of the day.
Sam gathers his things and swings his backpack over his shoulders, Gabriel catching up to him.
"Hey, Samsung! Do you, uh...mind if I ask if we could maybe, sort of be friends?" Gabriel asks awkwardly. And this causes a strange feeling to rise in Sam's stomach.
"I know it's stupid, but I really don't like anyone else... Don't look at me like that! I know we're like two completely different people, but you're just so...hard to miss," Gabriel explains sheepishly. His cheeks fade red as he looks away from Sam's gaze.
When they get on the bus, Gabriel asks once more if they could be friends, and Sam replies with a small smile and a nod of satisfaction. Gabriel ignores how red his cheeks are, and smiles a big smile.
"Great, because I've needed someone to talk about my problems to!" Gabriel jokes with a huff. He looks into Sam's eyes with those amazing golden eyes that shine brighter than the sunrise.
"You know, I can tell that you have trust issues. But I really hope that we get close enough that you trust me enough to talk to me...," Gabriel sighs. Sam is shocked, left with a painted expression of confusion and a deep feeling of sadness in his gut when Gabriel says those words. He doesn't think much, but reaches his arm out to touch Gabriel's hand. It only lasted less than a minute, for he was afraid of Gabriel's rejection. But out of surprise and happiness, Gabriel smiles his bright, cheery smile and reaches his hand to Sam's. He could read Sam's eyes and expression like a book; "it'll be all right, Gabriel, I promise."

But Gabriel's smile fades slowly into a frown. He looks down onto the floor, letting go of Sam's hand, getting lost into thought. This leaves Sam with a small feeling of guilt and sorrow for Gabriel, as well as curiosity. But he ignores it. He doesn't want to get into Gabriel's personal life. Gabriel respects his personal life, so he should respect Gabriel's.

"Hiya, Sammy!" Dean exclaims when Sam walks through the door. "How was school? Make a friend?"
Sam smiles, looking at the floor dreamily and nods.
Dean is left awestruck. "Wait, really? You made a friend?" Sam nods as Dean lifts him into his arms and gives him a great hug. "That's great, Sammy! It really is!" Dean congratulates. "I was wondering why you wanted to take the bus rather than be picked up." He ruffles Sam's hair and walks up into his bedroom, promising Sam to not questioning further.
As Sam goes up to his room, he plops down on his bed, just thinking about today. His thoughts just whirl around with confusion, but another feeling that he has not felt for so long. He can't recognize this feeling, so he thinks about it for a while. It kills him not knowing what this feeling is, but he decides to get his mind off of it and read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

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