Chapter 3.The Fearful

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When morning comes, Dean is oddly excited to see Castiel again. He kept thinking about him yesterday, how scared he probably was throuhhout the rest of the day...he just needs to know that Cas is all right.
"Are you taking the bus, Sam?" Dean asks. When Sam nods, Dean shrugs and talk to Cas again.
He steps on the gas pedal, unable to keep his thoughts away from Cas. He sighs and turns up the radio to One by Metallica, jamming out, but, sadly, still thinking of Castiel.
This bothers him. He feels like he's going to cry, but he doesn't.
Don't cry. Dean tells himself, as a single tear falls down his cheeks.
Muting the radio, more tears start to fall when he reaches the school.
Why the fuck can't I stop thinking about him? It hurts, but fucking why?
Dean wipes his tears away, sniffs and walks quickly to his locker. When someone taps his shoulder, he turns around, excited to see Castiel's beautiful blue eyes.
"Hey, Cas. It's great to see you," Dean says, hiding his happiness.
"R-really?" Castiel asks, causing a chuckle to erupt from Dean's mouth.
"How was the rest of your day yesterday?" Asks Dean, shutting his locker as they walk to class.
"I was terrified...I was surrounded by people and I felt as if they were all going to....tou-" Castiel stops mid-sentence, terror flooding his gaze once more.
"What?" Dean asks. Castiel takes a deep breath and rubs the back of his neck nervously. When they sit down at their desks, Dean questions his actions once more.
"I...n-n-nothing...," Castiel replies.
Dean can tell that this is a tough subject for Castiel to talk about, so he questions no further.
"Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to come over to my house over the weekend," Dean informs.
Castiel looks up at him with big, curious eyes that makes his heart felt. "R-really? Y-you're inviting m-me over your h-h-house?" Dean chuckles and nods, trying his hardest not to blush. But he know how well that worked out whem Castiel mentions how red his fact is.
"I'm-nothing!" Dean says again. At his mess up, he grows redder. Eyes locked onto the floor, he tells Cas that they should probably pay attention. When class is over, they exchange numbers, even though Dean is going to drive them to his house.

The bell rings and Dean jerked away from his thoughts, jumping up and leaving class immediately.
He runs easily through he crowded hallways, eventually getting to Castiel's seventh hour. But he stops when he sees another guy with Castiel, his hand against the wall and most likely flirting. Dean's not sure why, but this makes him both upset and happy, but for two completely different reasons.
He waits. He waits to see if Cas giggles or not, and thank God he doesn't. When he gets closer, he hears that the boy is, in fact, flirting. Thank God that Castiel doesn't seem to get the message.
"Hey, Cas!" Dean calls. Their heads jerk towards him, and the boy quickly grabs Cas by the waist, bring him close and grinding him. And, boy does Castiel looks t e r r i f i e d. He gasps at the physical contact, and practically screams, pulling away as best he can, but the other boy only leans in to kiss him.

"Hey, what the Hell man, can't you see you're terrifying him?" Dean yells, running over to help Cas. It takes an intense amount of strength to finally manage to rip the other boy off of Castiel. Cas stumbles backwards, sobbing violently and hiding his face in his knees. Dean looks at him with fear and sorrow in his eyes, pushing the other dude against the wall.

"Hey, you like grinding against people, huh?" Dean asks, frustration and anger soaking his gaze. "Grind me then, huh!" Out of discomfort but worry for Cas, he gets closer to the boy. Out of relief, the boy leaves with a final glare at Dean.

Castiel's sobs get louder, and Dean runs to his side, squeezing him tight. "Shh, shh, hey, it's okay, Cas. He's gone. All right, he's's all good," Dean soothes.

"'s not....all right....," Castiel sobs.

"Why not?" Dean asks, lifting Cas's chin up so they could look each other in the eyes.

"I can't t-t-touch people....I can't...I-I'm t-t-t-terrified! I'm t-terrified!" Castle sobs, "I have a s-severe case o-of chiraptophobia...."

"What's that?" Dean asks.

"Fear of t-touching p-p-people....," Castiel chokes. 

Dean immediately lets go of him. "I'm so sorry!"

Castiel shakes his head and practically jumps at Dean to hug him again. "No, don't let go...," he whispers shakily. This leaves Dean full of confusion, but he does so anyway, hugging Castiel as tight as he can, never letting go until they get to his Impala.

It's quiet, the ride to Dean's house. Not much talking. Not a noise can be heard.
Dean decides to break the silence. "Look, Cas, if you want to talk about your fear, we can talk about it," he informs. As just nods slowly, staring out of the window. "May I ask why you have that fear?" Dean asks. But when Cas gets very tense, he immediately regrets his question and apologizes.
"It's not that....I just....I don't know, Dean....," Castiel sighs. He's still crying, but not as much. He looks toward Dean, eyes shining with passion. "I never had the time to thank you, Dean..."
Dean blushes a little. "You don't have to thank me, man. I did that out of caring," Dean replies with a smile.
"But I need to thank you," Castiel explains, "And I guess I should owe you something.... I'll tell you the story of how I developed my fear."
Dean's smile fades. "You don't owe me anything Cas, and you don't have to tell me the story if you don't wan-"
"It was a long time ago...," Castiel begins, ignoring Dean. "My mom, she was, this guy....and although I didn't know it at the time, he things to me, horrible things.... He would touch me in every way he could...anytime he could.... And considering how my mom was mostly out of town, you can imagine how many times...." A tear drips down Cas's cheek, but he wipes it away. "I've never been so ashamed in my entire life...."
"Hey, why are you ashamed? It's not your fault, Cas," Dean explains.
"I'm ashamed of myself...," Castiel chokes out slowly and silently.
"Why?" Dean asks.
"Because I enjoyed it...," Castiel sobs again, hiding his face with such profound embarrassment. Dean pulls in his driveway, pulling Castiel in for a hug.
"Hey, Cas...," Dean soothes.
"I enjoyed it, Dean!" Castiel sobs, "All of it, and no-one understands how horrifying it is when people touch me! How embarrassed I get when people touch me!" Castiel chokes on his sobs, and buries his face in Dean's chest. "I don't want to get aroused when people touch me...," he whines silently.

This makes Dean both embarrassed and surprised. He doesn't know if he should pull away or keep hugging Cas. He doesn't think much of it, I mean, you can't control your boners, can you? This guy has had some seriously messed up shit go on in his childhood, so Dean stays there, hugging Cas.

"You're not pulling away...," Castiel points out. He looks up at Dean with nervous eyes.

"Of course not," Dean replies.

"Why?" Castiel asks.

Dean shrugs. "You're my friend. What happened to you as a child might affect how your...hormones or whatever work, but that doesn't affect the way I feel about yo-" And he stops right there. 

Cas looks at him with happiness in his eyes. "Thank you Dean...."

Dean clears his throat. "Well, let's go inside, shall we?"

Castiel nods, but before they get up, he asks one last question; "Hey, Dean, what are you afraid of?"

Dean stops and thinks for a while. "Me? Hm... I don't know. Nothing!" He laughs, but Cas doesn't. "I'm sorry."

"Everyone's afraid of something," Cas points out. Dean nods with understanding. "I guess you'll figure it out, huh?"

They go up to Dean's room, and Dean introduces Cas to his CD collection.

"So, do you like music?" Dean asks.

"Not much...," Cas admits.

Dean shrugs. "Well, you're about to listen to the one and only...Led Zeppelin." He pops in the disc and plays the song Whole Lotta Love. After the song, Castiel nods with satisfaction.

"I like it," Cas says. Dean nods approvingly and they laugh.

"I'm tired," Cas yawns. Dean yawns too. "You too, huh? Let's go to bed."

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