Chapter 5.I Need You

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"I know this is hard to believe, Mrs.Novak, especially coming from some dude you've never heard of before," Dean explains, "but it's all true. Cas has been telling me all about it. For God's sake, he has chiraptophobia!"
Mrs.Novak sits down at the table next to Castiel, staring off into nothing.
"Is this true, Castiel?" She asks. Castiel nods slowly, eyes shut tight; fists clenched together; shaking horrifically. Mrs.Novak takes in a deep breath, and kets it out slowly.
"And you never told anyone this because he said he would kill me and Gabriel?" She asks. Cas nods again.
"I'm sorry, mom....," Castiel whispers, tears falling down his all ready swolen face. Dean hugs him, patting him on the back.
"Castiel, we have to call the police," Mrs.Novak concludes, "Now."
Castiel nods, tears falling down his face. Dean wipes his tears away, as Mrs.Novak walks outside to make the report.
"Th-thank you, D-Dean....," Castiel whispers. Dean shrugs, rubbing Castiel's arm comfortingly. "You saved my life...."
Dean pulls away, smiling. "I guess?"
"You don't understand how much all of this means to me, Dean," Castiel sobs. "All of this is going to end. All of it, and it's all because of you, Dean..."
"'re welcome?" Dean says. His face turns red.
"Dean, If I die, I want to ask you something first," Castiel sobs.
Dean wipes his tears away. "Go ahead."
Castiel gives him the most serious look he ever could. "What's your sexuality?"
"Oh-uh!" Dean blushes deeply, trying to look away from Castiel's gaze. "I-I u-u-um....bisexual...." Hs murmurs the last part.
"Hm?" Castiel asks.
"B-bi....sexual....," Dean repeats.
Castiel smiles. "I am too."
"R-really?" Dean asks. Cas nods, as Dean lets out a long breath of satisfaction.
"Dean," Castiel begins. "Is it...bad that I....enjoyed "it"?"
Dean's smile fades away quickly. "No. I mean, I would enjoy it too, probably....most definitely." Castiel laughs with Dean.
"Why is it that you're the only person who can touch me, and I won't get terrified?" Cas wonders out loud. Dean shrugs, and hugs him again, this time, his hands are closer to Cas's hips. Dean suddenly forgets about Castiel's "arousement" problem, and yelps, jumping back when he feels it.
Castiel pulls his knees up. "I'm sorry...."
"D-don't be...," Dean says, turning away from Castiel to hide his own erection in shame.
"I hope he doesn't kill me...," Castiel sighs.
"I'll make sure he doesn't!" Dean declares. Castiel laughs, as Mrs.Novak walks back in.
"They're going to get him now. Castiel, would you like to go home?" Mrs.Novak asks.
Castiel looks at his mom, then back to Dean, then his mom again. "I'll stay here with Dean...thank you...," he answers. She nods, calling for Gabriel.
"Gabriel, we're going home."
Gabriel whines. "Can I stay the night?" He asks. She looks over at Dean who shrugs his shoulders and smiles.
"I guess," shs replies. Gabriel pumps his fist in the air, joining Sam again upstairs.
"Call me if he is any trouble," Mrs.Novak says. They say their goodbyes, and Cas watches her car leave with a smile on his face.
"I'm glad he'll be gone," Dean states. Castiel smiles, happiness overwhelming him.
"Thank you," Castiel smiles, tears of joy streaming his face. He jumps to Dean, hugging him with such profound happiness, he leans in, and, out of nowhere, kisses Dean with passion heating him up.
Dean's eyes grow wide and shocked, but he doesn't do anything to stop him. He just kisses back, closes his eyes, smiling.
When Castiel pulls away, he dances around Dean's room happily, not thinking anything of the kiss.
I mean, it meant nothing, right? Castiel was just that happy, I mean, who wouldn't be?
So, Dean thinks nothing of it.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't think about it.

"Dean," Castiel whispers, as they're in bed together.
"Yeah, Cas, I'm still awake," Dean whispers back.
"It's just...," Cas begins, "I haven't been able to get that kiss off of my mind...."
Dean's heart skips a beat. "Ditto, Cas."
Cas doesn't laugh. "I'm serious. I did that out of happiness, but...a part of kiss you....," Castiel sighs. Dean turns over to meet Castiel's gaze, smiling. He tells him not to worry, turns back over, and falls into a deep sleep. Castiel pulls Dean closer, closing his eyes with relaxation and comfort, smiling himself to sleep.

"Hey, Sam," Gabriel whispers. Sam opens his eyes, turning over on the floor, looking up into Gabriel's eyes.
"I can't sleep...," Gabriel sighs. Sam nods with agreement. "What ahould we talk about?"
Sam shrugs, and Gabriel laughs. Sam tilts his head questioningly.
"Well, of course you wouldn't know, haha," Gabriel chuckles, but a sad chuckle. He lays back down. "Sorry. I don't mind you not talking, not at all. Just, sometimes I kind of wish you would."
"Thank you, Gabriel,"
Gabriel snaps his head up, expecting to see someone at the door, but no, it was Sam. He looks down at Sam shocked. "For w-what?"
"For keeping me company...," Sam says, "It makes me feel less alone...."
That voice. Oh, I could listen to it 24/7, and never get tired! Please, talk more.
"Hey, Samsung, you don't have to feel alone! You've got Dean and I," Gabriel says, smiling.
"Relationship wise...," Sam says.
Gabriel looks at him with pity in his eyes. "Hey, you'll find someone. Trust me! Any guy and girl will be the luckiest person in the world to date you! And I mean every single word of what I said," Gabriel explains.
Sam's heart flutters with happiness and flattery. "Thank you...," he says again.
"I, uh....I your...voice...," Gabriel compliments sheepishly. Sam smiles, making Gabriel blush deeply.
"S-so, do y-you want to learn t-the wonderful ways of T-Tumblr?" Gabriel asks. Sam chuckles, nodding.
Gabriel looks at the clock. 12:30 AM.
"Are you sure you mind staying up this late?" Gabriel asks. Sam nods. "All right. Let me teach you how to Tumblr!"
"Let's make our own personal blog. Hm....Gam? Sabriem?" Gabriel thinks out loud.
"Sabriel," Sam suggests.
"That sounds like a ship name," Gabriel laughs. Sam tilts his head questioningly. "A ship is a love pairing between two fictional characters. To be honest, Aiden and Sally are my OTP, which means One True Pairing!"
Sam chuckles.
I could listen to that chuckle all day...
"Sabriel it is, I guess. Hey, Samsung, you should join some more fandoms, ay? Hm...what fandoms are you in?" Gabriel asks.
Sam searches for his Doctor Who backpack, his book of The Fault In Our Stars, The Hobbit, a Sherlock shirt, a Being Human necklace, The Lord of The Rings, a Star Wars lightsaber and an Avengers shirt.
"Too many fandoms, not enough space, haha!" Gabriel laughs.
Gabriel sets up Sam's Tumblr blog for him, happy with just his company. He's glad he got to hear Sam's voice for the time, it made him feel...happy. For the first time, he's made a friend that he would never want to lose, not ever. Sam made him feel like he finally has someone to tell all of his secrets to, to share all of his emotions with, to solve all of his problems with....the boy who doesn't even talk!
"Thank you," Sam smiles.
Gabriel blushes. "It's r-really no big deal at all..."
Sam reaches for his hand, scooting closer to him on the bed. They look into each other's eyes, Gabriel growing a deep shade of red, and Sam smiling with delight.
"S-Sam?" Gabriel asks, trying to prevent an awkward situation. "We-we've know each other for, like, th-three or four d-days..."
Sam nods.
"S-so....uh...," Gabriel looks down at the laptop keyboard.
"Gabriel," Sam says. Gabriel looks back up at him, confused. But the confusion turns to pure shock when Sam leans in to kiss Gabriel's cheek lightly.
"S-S-Sam?" Gabriel asks, getting so red, he was a tomato. Sam just curls into a ball, ready to get to sleep. Gabriel shuts down the laptop, getting comfortable on the floor. The only thing on his mind is Sam.

"Heya, Samsquatch," Gabriel yawns. Sam rubs his eyes, yawns, and looks down at Gabriel with messy hair.
Gabriel is holding up a black leather journal, and Sam immediately grows terrified.
"Yeah, I read it," Gabriel admits, "....Sorry...."
Sam's face grows a deep red, and his breathing starts to quicken. "Gabriel!"
Gabriel sets the journal down on the floor, crawling on the bed next to Sam.
"I know how you feel, Sam," Gabriel soothes, "I'm alone too. And my childhood is pretty...fucked up too."
Sam grows tense. He's angry at Gabriel.
He invaded my personal life! I trusted him!
"I've felt lonely too, you see. No friends. I was homeschooled. I had no friends, no boyfriend, no-one who truly loves me like Castiel...," Gabriel explains, "The things Castiel has done and will do for me are wouldn't believe it."
Gabriel smiles at the thought of his big brother. "But, hey. You know what an old drunk once told me? "Family don't end in blood"- that' what he said," Gabriel explains further, "And you know what? I know we've only known each other for about four...five days. But, you know what, Sam Winchester?" Gabriel looks straight into Sam's eyes, glowing with pride and happiness.
"I need you, Sam Winchester," Gabriel says, "I need you as much as I need Castiel."
Sam's face grows such a deep red, that he shakes his head, trying to make it go away. But he's too flattered.
Gabriel laughs nervously. "D-do you kn-know what I meant?" Sam nods, and Gabriel's smile fades. His eyes shine the darkest color of sadness and regret yet. "Do you...need me too?"
Sam looks into Gabriel's eyes, shining with joy. He nods his head, reaching over to hug Gabriel tight. "I need you, Gabriel Novak! I need you as much as The Doctor needs Rose!" Gabriel laughs at the Doctor Who refefence and Sam's enthusiasm. A tear runs down his face, but a single tear full of pure happiness.

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