Chapter 11.Don't Forget

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"Sam....I know you can hear me...and I want you to know that I do love you....I know you don't think so, but I do...I need you back, Samsung....I need you...please come back...please....," Gabriel pleads. He's in the hospital room, sitting beside Sam with his hands together like a prayer. A single tear falls down his cheek, and he sniffs. "I need you, Sam...," Gabriel whispers.

"Gabriel?" Cas asks. Gabriel jumps up. "So this is where you go when I'm busy, huh? I was wondering why you weren't seeing Sam. I guess you are though."

"I go alone for a reason...," Gabriel murmurs.

"Hey, I get that you're going to cry. If it were Dean, I'd do nothing but cry and lock myself in a room," Castiel explains. He walks over to comfort Gabriel.

"What...exactly happened?" Gabriel asks.

Castiel sighs. "Remember at Arby's?"

"I need you, Gabriel Novak! I need you as much as The Doctor needs Rose!" Gabriel laughs at the Doctor Who reference and Sam's enthusiasm. A tear runs down his face, but a single tear of happiness.

"We should go to Arby's," Gabriel suggests. Sam nods, and Dean and Cas take them to Arby's. When they're left alone at the table, it's quite awkward.

"So, are a relationship now?" Gabriel asks. Sam smiles, nodding. Gabriel smiles back as they order their food.

"I've got to go to the bathroom, Samsung," Gabriel says, as he leaves the table.

He's washing his hands when he hears someone whistle in a flirty way.

"Um?" Gabriel asks.

"Oh, sorry, are you not gay?" The boy asks. He has short, black hair and bright green eyes. He wears ripped jeans and a SayWeCanFly shirt with a bunch of rubber bracelets and a black leather jacket.

"Um, I am, but-"

"Well, sexy, you and I are about to have a great time tonight," the boy says, winking. "I'm Jack, and you are?"

"I'm Gabriel, but-"

"That's great, baby." Jack leans in toward Gabriel, kissing him deeply. Gabriel doesn't push back, he gets tense and starts to get extremely uncomfortable. Jack grabs his wrists, pushing them against the sink.

And then Sam walks in, stops, eyes filled with horror, regret and sadness. Gabriel looks at him, sadness filling his gaze, when Jack finally pulls away.

"I've been trying to tell you that I'm taken!" Gabriel immediately yells.

"But you didn't pull away," Jack says.

"I couldn't! You had my hands locked to the damn sink!" Gabriel yells. He pushes Jack away, running to Sam, apologizing over and over. But Sam just stands there, eyes filled with sadness and his voice twisting with regret. Tears fall down fast, but he just stares into Gabriel's apologetic and regretful eyes.

"Y-y-you l-l-lied," Sam chokes out.

"I didn't, Sam!" Gabriel insists.

"I-I tru-sted y-you!" Sam's voice cracks.


But Sam backs away against the wall, sobbing hysterically.

"Sam, please! I lo-"

But Sam shoves Gabriel, running outside.

"And then we picked you both up, remember?" Castiel asks. "Sam started ignoring everyone....refused to go to school....locked himself up in his room. He didn't eat either, remember that? And when you did manage to see him, he nearly ripped your throat out! Anyway, after a while, he seemed to always have nightmares of what happened when he was a toddler, and he eventually just got so depressed, he started to self-harm...we found him one day, cutting his stomach. He passed out, but grew into a coma. He was practically starved to death after all! And major blood loss. Dean says that he's always been extremely sensitive about relationships....always had trust issues, always refusing to be in one, no matter what. He turned down everyone. Even friends. So when he thought you were cheating, it brought back his memories of loneliness, anxiety, on....," Castiel finishes.

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