Beomgyu thought it was completely ridiculous that he had to take multiple pills daily. Just one made him feel weird. It made him lose weight and feel disoriented.

"Just please take it," yeonjun said before leaving.

Beomgyu looked over at the prescription bottle.


After a few days, beomgyu finally escaped his bed. But work didn't stop even when he wasn't in the right mindset.

When they arrived at the building for dance practice, something was off about the atmosphere. It was like someone died. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. The maknaes kept shooting glares at each other. And when they talked to each other, it was in a passive-aggressive tone.

"Taehyun ah, why aren't you doing the choreo correctly," Yeonjun asked. Luckily they were given plenty of time for rehearsal.

"I don't want to get any closer to that thing," Taehyun replied. Kai fake laughed acting as if it was a joke.

"Thing?" yeonjun muttered to himself.

"Just do the choreography okay? We're spending too much time on yours and kai's part," soobin ordered. Taehyun huffed and the music boomed through the speakers. He hesitantly got closer to kai so they could do their part in the choreo. They started to dance but stumbled more than usual on the steps. Kai muttered a curse word as they messed up repeatedly.

"Don't act like it's not your fault," taehyun mumbled.

"I'm only acting because it's literally all your fault," kai muttered.

"How could it all be my fault? You're the one with no skills whatsoever" taehyun grumbled.

"You're one to talk, remember December 23, 2017?" kai whispered smirking.

"Don't even kai, remember July 12, 2018?" taehyun responded smugly.

Kai gasped loudly.

They both started to dance more aggressively to the point that they weren't even following the original choreo. After dancing a choreo that wasn't even assigned to them, they both tripped and fell on the floor.

"Good going kai," taehyun said groaning.

"What? You're the one that made me trip!" kai exclaimed.

"What is going on between the both of you?" soobin asked.

The maknaes instantly started ranting about each other.

Soobin sighed. He stared at the clock wondering how much time was left until he could get out of the situation.

"ENOUGH" he yelled.

"If you two don't fix this by next week..."

"You're out of the group."

Soobin wasn't going to kick them out of course. He just wanted to give them a sense of urgency.

"Hyung you can't do that..." beomgyu said.

"Yes I can beomgyu ah," soobin replied. "They're arguing instead of practicing which also means not doing their job."

The maknaes got up in heartbeat.


They were at the dorm and the maknaes were already starting to show cracks through their peaceful facade. Soobin didn't mind that they were faking it. As long as they were 'getting along'. He was fine with it.

Beomgyu was a nervous mess. His palms were sweaty, his stomach churned every second, and his head was home to the made spiraling thoughts that he possessed. One after another rushing by and making him sweat.

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