The Triwizard Tournament

Start from the beginning

The little girl did her gymnastic's up the aisle with the other danced around her beautifully. They all took a bow and we all clapped for them, all except Hermione and I who were rather annoyed at the two boys we liked. Ron and Harry stood to their feet and clapped furiously, and George was wolf whistling to them. Dumbledore greeted the Headmistress and then climbed back up near the podium, raising his hands gesturing for the students to settle.

    "And now, our friends from the North. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their High Master, Igor Karkaroff." Dumbledore introduced the second school.

Hermione and I were a bit more interested this time as a group of all boys entered the Great Hall. They were wearing red and brown uniforms, holding large staffs. They came into the room, with emotionless faces, tapping the staffs on the grounds that created magical sparks underneath them. They grunted during their routine and it was amazing to watch. They spun their staffs around and laid them on the ground, suddenly running forward through the aisle. We all gasped and stood up to watch.

Some of them were doing cartwheels, while the other's continued their routine. Another small group walked in at the end and hushed whispers filled the room. Ron gasped as he turned and stared.

    "Blimey, it's him! Viktor Krum!" Ron squeaked excitedly and in awe.

One of the other Durmstrang students kneeled on the ground and blew out a fire Phoenix, that greeted Professor Dumbledore. The man named Igor Karkaroff was wearing a fancy white uniform and a very stern expression on his face. But he and Dumbledore greeted like old friends.

    "Albus!" He laughed and hugged our Headmaster.

    "Igor." Dumbledore smile politely.

The Beauxbatons sat at the end of the Ravenclaw table, and the Durmstrang student's sat at the Slytherin table. Everyone seemed to be very excited about Viktor Krum being here at the school. The Slytherin's including Malfoy were all trying to be close to him. I couldn't help but feel bad. It may not happen here at school, but when people recognize Harry and I when we are in Wizarding public, it can get rather obnoxious.

Dinner had commenced and eventually a group of people brought in a rather large item on a stretcher on sorts. It looked to be all gold and in five layers.

    "Your attention, please!" Dumbledore called out to the hall and we all quieted. "I'd like to say a few words. Eternal Glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous task." Dumbledore reiterated.

    "Wicked!" Fred and George grinned excitedly. I rolled my eyes and continued to listen.

    "For this reason the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this, we have the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch." Dumbledore announced.

A figured walked inside the Great Hall from one of the back doors, lurking in the doorway. Suddenly the sky above us started to cloud over and boom with thunder and lightening. No one knew why the ceiling was acting up and some even screamed. I flinched and leaned down. A blast shot up and hit the ceiling, clearing the clouds away, back into the peaceful night sky. Everyone's attention turned to where the blast had come from. The man had a path around one of his eye's, with a large glass eye inside the socket, bulging from his head. His clothing appeared wet and soggy, as was his red hair.

    "Bloody hell." Ron whispered. "It's Mad-Eye Moody."

    "Alastor Moody?" I asked surprised.

    "The Auror?" Hermione asked.

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