Hello, Handsome (Qinter)

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Request by me. Because I love Qinter. (And a few others lol. Qinter is the best)

Qibli wandered through the streets of Sanctuary. He loved seeing all the different dragons and hybrids that lived there, and because it was so close to the Sand Kingdom, he could visit often.

Qibli browsed the market stalls, smiling and politely declining offers for silk scarves and pet chickens. He turned a corner and nearly bumped into someone extremely familiar. "Winter?" He said in surprise. "What are you doing here?" Although Qibli already knew the answer to his question, and maybe it was his reason for coming in the first place, but Winter was kinda adorable when he was asked questions like that.

Winter looked both disgusted and embarrassed that Qibli was there. "What are you doing here, Sand Snorter? I live here." Winter said gruffly.

Qibli acted surprised again, although a little more dramatically. "You live here?"

Winter seemed to be biting back a smile. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, didn't you read the letter I sent you?"

"Only a dozen times." Qibli teased, and was rewarded by Winter's flustered look. "What if I told you that my reason for coming was to visit you?" Qibli asked slowly, waiting for the IceWing's reaction.

Winter blinked in surprise, then set his face hard as stone before he answered. Qibli wished he didn't do that. Showing emotions like happiness and affection wouldn't hurt him. "I would think that I have more important things to do than loiter around with a SandWing."

Qibli's eyes widened and he grinned. "Wow. 'A SandWing'? Not, 'A Sand-Snorter' or 'A Cactus Licker'? Or even 'A SandWing I don't like'?" Qibli said. "That's basically a proclamation of undying love from you."

Winter scowled, but Qibli saw his blush.

Qibli grinned and looked around the busy street. "So, what brings you to the metropolis?"

"I told you already, I live here." Winter's voice wasn't as gruff as before.

"Yeah, but why?"

"Well..." Winter said. "I have a scavenger enclosure and a scavenger to study. I've learned a lot." Winter's face seemed to brighten at the topic. "Do...do you want to see?"

Now Qibli's face brightened. "Of course! Do you even need to ask?"

"Well, good. Just don't poke her or anything." Winter mumbled before turning around and leading Qibli through the streets.

Qibli noticed how weird Winter was acting. Like he was embarrassed or felt awkward. He hadn't done that before, why now? Qibli had a guess, but he shied away from it. Surely not?

Winter lead him to a house at the edge of the town. It had a large fenced in yard in the back. Winter flew up and landed on the roof of the house, and looked into the yard. Qibli followed, crouching next to Winter. He peered into the yard.

A scavenger was crouching behind a tree, squinting at them with distrustful eyes. She looked around full grown, but Qibli didn't know much about scavengers. "She's cute." Qibli grinned at Winter.

Winter glanced back. "Her name is Pumpkin." Winter said seriously.

Qibli raised a teasing eyebrow. "'Pumpkin'? Now that's cute."

Winter looked flustered again. "Well, yeah. It's supposed to be cute. Because 'Pumpkin' is cute. And she's cute!"

Qibli rolled his eyes. Then he noticed that his and Winter's sides were touching. He glanced down, and when Winter followed his gaze, he scootched away self consciously. Qibli tilted his head at him, then decided to distract Winter from whatever was on his mind. "Pumpkin is your only scavenger?"

"Yes." Winter answered. "But I hope to have another this year."

"Where do you find your scavengers?" Qibli asked.

"Oh, around." Winter answered vaguely. "Sometimes I buy them from other dragons. Sometimes I find them in the forest with little weapons. I think they use them for hunting."

Qibli nodded. They both stared awkwardly into the enclosure. Qibli didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"Do you want to go into the forest?" They both said at the same time. Winter blinked and Qibli chuckled.

"I guess so." He said. Qibli jumped off the roof, using his wings to break his fall.

The two walked into the forest, unconsciously brushing their wings against each other as they walked. They came to a small clearing with a pond in the middle. The water was as clear and smooth as glass, with little water lilies floating on top. 

Winter sat next to the pond and brushed the surface with his tail, sending rippling eddies across the water.

"I like coming here, it's nice and quiet, and the water lilies are pretty." Winter said softly.

Qibli nodded in agreement, marveling at the silver flowers. And at the dragon whose scales resembled the delicate petals so beautifully.

"Did you mean it when you said you came here to visit me?" Winter asked quietly after a long silence.

Qibli looked into his eyes and nodded. "Why would I lie about that?"

Winter looked flustered. "Oh, well, it's just that you joke a lot about things like that and I wasn't sure..." He trailed off and averted his gaze.

Qibli furrowed his brows. And then he got it.

He gently shifted to sit closer to Winter, touching his side to his icy scales again. "Would this clear some things up?" He leaned in close and kissed Winter sweetly, screaming internally while he did so.

WhydidIdothatwhydidIdothatwhydidIdothat-OH SHOOT OH SHOOT OH SHOOT

Winter froze (ha, IceWing joke, shut up Qibli) and Qibli couldn't breathe for a minute.

Winter finally spoke. "Yeah, yeah it would." He said slowly.  And then he smiled. Great moons.

"Cactus licker," he said affectionately before returning Qibli's kiss.

Qibli melted with happiness. He could stay here all day.

He smirked. "Well, you must be Cactus then."

Winter's flustered expression was worth more than all the treasure in all the kingdoms to Qibli in that moment.

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