My Hero (Claynami)

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Request by Ryalem20

Clay felt the rushing water seep into his scales as he tried to stay afloat. He could see the outside world, the dark sky decorated with shining stars. But he wasn't sure he could make it. The journey through the underground river had been exhausting and all he wanted was to sink to the bottom.

"Clay!" Had heard a dragon's voice that he thought he'd never hear again. Was he already dead and was in a sort of heaven with her? Or was he just hearing things?

"Clay!" Her voice echoed through the cave he was in and this time he tried to call back.

"Tsunami?" Oh he hoped it was her. Clay moved his aching legs to move toward the sound of her voice. He kept calling until the roar of falling water overpowered his voice, and the current became too strong to fight. He felt himself being pulled by the cold water until he was thrown off the edge and crashed into the water below.

With a sickening crack he felt his shoulder hit a rock below the surface, and the water redden around him. His vision was going dark and blurry and he couldn't swim anymore. But before his eyes closed for good, a deep blue shape propelled towards him and hauled his limp body out of the water and onto a rocky shore.

"Clay! Wake up Clay, don't go!"

The feeling of solid rock beneath him revived him enough to take some shuddery breaths. Air tastes so good.

"Thank the moons, your breathing!" Tsunami hugged him, then hit him with her tail. "Don't you dare do that again!"

Clay sat up and smiled a weak smile. "My hero." He croaked.

"Too often. But with you drowning yourself, what was I supposed to do?" Tsunami touched his shoulder, then pulled away as Clay winced. "Oh my gosh, you're bleeding."

"It's not that bad." Clay tried, though he knew it wouldn't convince her.

"Nice try," she teased, "you can't get rid of me that easily." She started cleaning off the blood with the water from the river. "Can you fly?"

"I don't know. I might be too tired." Clay stretched out his wings experimentally, brushing Tsunami's in the process. Clay thought he saw her face redden, but he couldn't tell in the dark.

"Do you know how to get out?" He asked.

"Simple, just follow the river." Tsunami pointed to where it flowed.

They walked together, following the river and Tsunami slowing to match Clay's limping pace. Soon, they found where the cave opened up and the river poured out into a massive waterfall. The rising sun streaking the open landscape in its beautiful glory. They swooped down and laughed in joy at their freedom, flying in and around each other in unspoken patterns, finally landing next to the river again.

"Mud!" Clay squelched in delight, smearing it on his wings and arms.

"Yuck." Said Tsunami.

"Aw, come on! This is great!"

"You are a MudWing. I am a SeaWing. We are not the same." Tsunami explained.

Clay threw a blob of mud at her and hit her wing. She gasped. "Oh, you're gonna regret that!" She hurled the mud back at him, jumped in the river, and doused him with her tail.

"Pthpthpth!" Clay spit water and mud out of his mouth and grinned at her. She was beautiful, though he knew better than to tell her that. Powerful, protective, and loyal. This was the most fun the two of them had had since they were young dragonets. He wouldn't trade away this moment for the world.

"You're pretty cool, Tsunami." Clay said affectionately.

She looked surprised for a minute, then adopted a goofy look on her face. "Well, of course, you don't get to be this amazing for free, you know." Clay laughed and threw more mud at her. She splashed him again. "Yeah," she said. "you're pretty cool too." She came out of the river and nuzzled him, a rare sign of affection from her. Clay wrapped his wings around her, blissfully happy.

Surely nothing could be better than this.

A/n: Hope you guys liked it :)
If you want, leave requests here, but I warn you, it might take awhile.

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