Don't Leave Me (Blicket)

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Request by deuk234

Cricket stood on the edge of a cliff, looking out at the anxious sea. The wind buffeted her wings, willing her to find shelter, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from the horizon. She told herself that she and Blue weren't as far apart as they were. It was so easy to pretend that that little sliver of the horizon was the only thing between them. A dazzle of light, a reflection of the sun, floating so far away, keeping Blue away from her.

Come back to me, Blue. Cricket thought mournfully. Don't leave me.

But no amount of wishing would bring him here, or take her back.

Don't worry Blue. I'll come back for you. I never wanted to leave you. Just hang on. As the HiveWing member of the Stealth Mission, Cricket knew it was only a matter of time.


Blue stood, rigid, guarding a room full of captive SilkWings and LeafWings, and his mind was not his own.

Oh Cricket, he thought, where are you? Are you safe? Are you one of the captives in this room? Or did you make it across the ocean and are waiting for me on the land across the sea?

Blue thought these questions to himself as if Cricket could answer, like her face would appear in front of him and reassure him with answers to any of his questions. But when he thought about it, it was better that she wasn't here. Blue didn't think he could live with himself if she saw what he was doing, imprisoning SilkWings, growling at them, thrusting a spear at them, could Cricket forgive him for that?

Come back, Cricket. Blue thought despairingly. Don't leave me.

A/n: Hey! I'm not dead! Sorry this is so short, I had very little inspiration, but it's here. Don't complain :)

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