Chapter 4

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~~~~~~~Chapter 4~~~~~~~

Tae : They R@ped you?

His voice was low, but full of rage.
I couldn't even look at him. He closed
the gap between us. He put his hand
on my cheek and placed my head on his
chest. He gave me a close hug.
I hugged him back.

Y/n: It's not that.... I mean
(I said, getting out of the hug)

Y/n: If police hasn't in time
then they might have. I...

It was so awkward for me to say
it all out again. Since it's been a very
long time, but it still gives me the
same feeling whenever I remember it.

Y/n : I mean that when they broke into
the house. I knew they were a thief,
so I hid myself in a closet. I called
police from the closet.

Y/N : They were stealing whatever they
wanted to. I was on call when they
entered my room. I stopped talking
but didn't cut the call.

Y/n :But suddenly they opened the
closet doors. I was so scared. Then
they......tried to....(I was already crying
at this point. My voice was cracking
at every word) They ripped off my clothes.
They--I was all naked in front of them.

Y/n : They were just- t-touching
me everywhere.... Like everywhere, Tae.
They were even biting me. I felt so helpless.
They were holding my legs and arms.

Tea didn't say anything, just kept his arm
around my shoulder. Maybe he wanted
me to take it all out. All the pain, sorrow,
and feelings I was holding in me. He wanted
me to feel better, feel lighter.

Y/n : I really didn't want to get r@ped so
I was trying to get out of their grip.
And whenever I do that, they hit me,
kick me.

Y/n : (I wiped my face) They were
touching me down there. But before
any of them can enter me, we all heard
police sirens.

Y/n : then they ran away.... I was just
lying here in pain. The first police
officer entered the room, he saw me
and immediately covered me with a
sheet. My vision was going in and
out again and again.

Y/n : then I passed out. I opened
my eyes in the hospital.

I stopped talking. There was silence
in the whole park. I closed my eyes,
letting tears fall. I covered my face
with my hands. I was sobbing lightly.
Tae hugged me again, this time a tight hug.

Tae : I am so sorry. You have been
through that. (He whispered to me.
We stayed like that for a few minutes)

Tae : they got caught?

Y/n : yes, they were found guilty for
everything they did. They got imprisonment
for seven years. It's been four years.
Three years more to go.

Tae : they are in Seoul jail?

Y/n : no... that happened in Busan.
So.... They are in Busan jail.

Tae cupped my face in his hands.
He wiped my tears.

Tae : thank you for opening your heart
to me. Thank you for trusting me.

I still wasn't looking at him. I just
nodded. Then, he kissed my forehead.
We stayed there for a while.

Tae : y/n let's go eat dinner.
You might be tired and hungry. (he said softly)

I thought about the current situation.
'Doesn't it matter to him what happened
to me? He still wants to date me?' I thought.

~~~~~ After a while~~~~~

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