Third Age Glorfindel | Take these Broken Wings and learn how to fly

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A/N: Reader is a son of Fëanor but did not swear the oath, and somehow survived till the third age, and is reunited with there friend from Gondolin, but he wants him to be more than a friend, this is slightly inspired by animatorwierdo's on tumblr Imagine being one of the sons of Feanor, but not swearing the oath, go read it if your interested i have linked it, the only difference is this fic is set in the third age. Enjoy :)

T/W: Angst, Flashbacks, PTSD, Anxiety and slight depression

You where half expecting the Lord of Imladris to hate you for what your brother had done, and now you had the audacity to ask him for refuge and a home in his kingdom, you were thankful to Galadriel for letting you stay as long as you did, she recognised you didn't swear the oath and you helped the people your brothers where killing, but not many other elves did, King Thranduil sure didn't, Elrond's kindness came as a shock to you, after all your brother did kidnap him, but that was a long and complicated story.

You also where not sure how you survived to the Third age, after the crossing the Helcaraxë, the Fall of Gondolin, you half expected to die in the last alliance or at lest Morgoth to capture or kill you like he did with your brother.

But once again you where forgotten, you had gotten used to it over time, sometimes people even forgot you where there with them, given most people who didn't know the Kinslayings thought you where one of Fingolfin's children and not a son of Fëanor, most said there where seven sons not eight.

"I hope you can settle in well in Imladris" Came Elrond's voice knocking you out of you thoughts, he had certainly grown from the frail, little scrawny, but brave elfling you tried to protect from your brothers all those years ago.

You just nodded to the Lord in gratitude, as he showed you your room, you thanked him and he left, you set your pack down, and decided to look around, the room was simple yet elegant, like most elvish things in the eyes of humans some of the time, Thranduil was far from an example he was always over doing things.

You tossed the curtains to the windows open, to see the gardens, an intricate rail before a waterfall which flowed into the Anduin, Imladris certainly held beauty, but you always had a love of Himring, it was the last time you saw your brothers, Maedhros had even given you a whole library, you would have to find the Imladris one you noted.

You soon left your room to go for a stroll when you happened upon the Library so you entered it, it was certainly big, and organized? you guessed it was how the person in charge of it had it, especially when you saw the book of the house of Fëanor next to was that Poetry, Murderous elves next to a book of romantic poetry that was certainly something, and something you would never do.

Interested in what elves wrote about your house you took the book and found an alcove, what you did not expect was flashbacks to come with the book, sure you had them before, but it was normally at things you smelt, or saw or even heard, not a book.

the port was on fire, you could see the smoke from where you had gone for a stroll, Tirion was on fire, elves fighting elves, and your father was incharge of the assault? the Valar would of never allowed this, and they wanted the boats, you sighed in annoyance realising what they where doing, the Oath you had refused to swear, the oath you had said was irrational and irresponsible and unnecessary, that your brother had been so quick to swear was happening, you noticed your uncle Fingolfin coming with his men.

Your sword quickly blocked your fathers from killing a Telerin elf "WHAT ON ARDA ARE YOU DOING ADA" you yelled at him, you had always been the more reasonable one, you kept your anger in check unlike your father and brothers, you also never expected Fingolfin to misunderstand the situation

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