Lindir | No other place i'd rather be than by your side.

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It was well past the hours of the morning, the sun was high, it was a wonderful day, even the birds agreed, as the song drifted threw the window of your room, Your songbird however was still asleep, he looked peaceful, a small content smile on his face.

It was not often, he was allowed days off, and when he was it was mostly because Lord Elrond did not want to see you beg, because you would beg him.

You leaned down to kiss the freckles which dusted over his nose and cheek bones, when you place a kiss to his noise, he groaned, you felt his arm wrap around your waist and pull you into his chest, you lay your head on his shoulder.

"Good Morning nyello" you muttered against the crook of his neck, Lindir hmmed.

"We should get up the day is getting on, Meleth" You said.

"Just a few more minutes" Lindir hmmed, his voice was sweet like honey, and rich like chocolate, you had to confess, you fell for Lindir even harder once you heard his morning voice.

"You may have the few more minutes, but I have a surprise to get ready" you said rolling over and propping yourself up on your arm.

"Whats the surprise" Lindir asked

"I can't tell you the surprise other wise I would ruin the surprise" You said

"Whats the surprise you would ruin if you told me the surprise" Lindir asked, you chuckled and kissed his freckles along his exposed collar bone, you felt him shiver involuntarily beneath you.

"You will find out soon enough Meleth-nin but for now I cannot tell you" You said as you got up, Lindir may though you had begged Elrond for his day off but in reality it was little Estel, who had, he wanted to throw a birthday party for his favorite ellon, and you couldn't do that with Lindir around, so you as his Meleth were tasked with distracting him.

Well Getting up failed as Lindir's arms stayed around your waist, his head now rested on your shoulder.

"I suppose, the others can set it up without me" You said pecking his lips, Lindir smiled, but you grew an even wider one, you picked up the picnic basket you had prepared while he was still asleep.

"It is a wonderful day, even the birds agree with me, why don't we go down to the anduin and have a picnic, in the wild flowers" You said.

"I cannot argue that it is not a wonderful day, and that it would not be enjoyable to sit with you and have a picnic, so why don't we" Lindir said, it did not take the two of you long before you were both dressed properly, Ever since you praised Lindir's freckles he had been less up tight about hiding them with cloths, it was a hot, warm day, and so he was no wearing appropriate clothing, not his winter robes just to hide his freckles.

It was rare for elves to have 'imperfections' but you did not think Lindir's freckles were imperfections, they just added to how cute and adorable you found him, elves could taunt and bully him about it, but they never did it In front of you, they learned that from when Thranduil made fun of Lindir in front of you about his freckles, you broke the kings nose with that punch.

You would punch the Elven King and break his nose if he made fun of Lindir's freckles, even if you caught word, of someone teasing them, the next Elrond knew they were in the healing wing with a broken nose, a cut lip, a black eye, sometime Elrond thought you were secretly Caranthir reembodied or at lest one of the Fëanorian's he even thought you where Fëanor, when you punched Thranduil in the face.

After a short ride, you finally reach the picnic spot, which you scouted out yesterday with the Twins help, you had even packed Lindir's lyre for him.

Lindir found you well prepared to stay here all day, which he did not mind at all, a cool breeze was nice against the hot sun of the day.

You both were enjoying your time so much, you did not realise how late it got, it was not often, you got to spend all day together, when glorfindel came to find you both for the surprise party, which both of you forgot about, he found you in a very embarrassing position.

you had straddled your lover and were pressing kisses to each on of his freckles, praising them at the same time, Lindir's hand was subconsciously on the back of your head while his other hand was on the ground keeping him from falling backwards onto the blanket.

Glorfindel cleared his throat, looking away, a blush of pink dust was over his cheeks and the tips of his ears.

"Lord Elrond, was looking for you both" Glorfindel said, you both followed him back into Imladris were Gildor took the picnic basket and Elladan jumped Lindir, Blindfolding him, as you picked up Estel, the 5 of you lead Lindir to the library, were Arwen told him he could take it off.

All of you knew it was not normal, but Estel wanted to and he did all the research (with Elrond's help) to find out when Lindir's birthday was.

"It was Estel's Idea, I never begged Elrond, I just don't beg" Elrond chuckled, as you set Aragorn down, and took the wine Erestor handed you.

Lindir's birthday was no longer a secret, what was Estel going to uncover next, you and Erestor are siblings and your father is Caranthir, no that secret was to well hidden, as all record said Caranthir had no children.

You snuck up behind Lindir and pressed a Kiss to his neck while the last freckel you had yet to kiss before Glorfindel found you.

"Gi Melin Nyello nin" You whispered in his ear, as you handed him a glass of wine you snached from Glorfindel.

Elvish Translations:

Gi Melin - I love you

Nyello - Singer

Nyello nin - My singer

Meleth - Love

Meleth nin - my love

Elven customs:

In J.R.R Tolkien's legendarium it is stated that elves do not celebrate birthdays.

Head canon's In Fic:

Erestor, Is Caranthir's son

Estel/Aragorn made the elves celebrate at lest some birthdays

Lindir has Freckles

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