Lindir | He's Half My Soul as the poets say, He's my whole World

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A/n: Lindir deserves the world, and I would give it to him if I could, but he would die of embarrassment

Lindir X Reader

Imagine: Being Elrond's Daughter and being in love with Lindir, Till you finally confess in the most romantic place in Imladris.

Ft. Arwen is the best Wingman/Wingwoman, Elladan teasing, Glorfindel being a pain in the ass, Elrond Loving the Drama of his Kingdom, Elrohir giving up on babysitting his twin

You sighed in annoyance at your Brother Elladan's constant teasing about you being in love with Lindir, it was so obvious apart from to Lindir himself that Glorfindel had joined him, but you always over heard the annoyed scolding from Erestor he got if Erestor caught him teasing you.

Finally you had enough and decided to switch it on him before sorting your own Love life out, "What about you and Legolas" You replied sassly as you could before leaving a muttering and spluttering Elladan behind you as you left your room in an attempt to find Lindir.

You decided to poke your head threw the Library door you found him there often yet Erestor turned you away saying he had not seen Lindir today, next you checked the kitchens the Ellon often stress baked but today didn't seem like one of those days so you carried on your search you checked the entrance of the realm and nope he was not greeting anyone, you popped your head around your father's study's door.

"Can I help you Y/n" Elrond questioned you nodded

"Have you see Lindir Ada Erestor has not seen him and neither have the chefs" You questioned

"I have not, it is his day off today perhaps try the gardens, hall of fire and the gallery" Elrond replied giving you plenty of options to look for him at, You decided to start at the hall of fire since it was closest, yet he was not there, nor was he in the gallery, Imladris had many gardens, yet you knew the one Lindir always went to, it was on the furthest side of the city, it was peaceful as not many ventured that far out unless they lived around there.

You remember Lindir mentioning he liked to go there on his days off, it was lucky for you, as it was close to where you wanted to show him, not many people new about it only you and your father as you had found it on one of your yearly adventures around Imladris, the land was never fully explored, the place was up a wooden path where the trees arched over you like an archway, a natural bridge of an old fallen down tree crossed the Anduin, it led you threw a meadow of wild flowers until a large lake with a waterfall, the lake had bioluminescent algae in it, in the night it looked like a sea of stars, epically with how the moon lit the place up, it was truly beautiful.

You finally reached the gardens, you did not see Lindir, but this was one of the bigger gardens you walked threw it until you found the waterfall tucked away in a corner of the garden, you spotted Lindir watching a bee by a rose.

"Lindir, may I talk to you, I am sorry this is your day off but i do believe it to be urgent" You said

"Is Lord Elrond in Requestance of my Assistance" Lindir questioned

"No I'm afraid I am, may we take a walk" You asked Lindir nodded and followed you not questioning where you both where heading to.

You reached the meadow at sunset it gave the mountains a glow to them.

"It is getting late perhaps we should head back" Lindir said

"It is getting close, Lindir, there is a shorter way back as it links onto the hidden pass" You replied the minstrel simply nodded

"I should have asked you to bring your lyre, oh well next time, come we should hurry" You said taking Lindir's hand you missed his blush as you pulled him down another hidden this time it lead to a clearing with a lake and a waterfall in it you turned to Lindir and pulled his other hand into your other hand and pulled him in front of the lake.

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