Gemma is a genius

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Caspar's POV

After the concert we go to find Anna, Brad, Con, Tris and James.
"Hey guys! That was amazing!"
"Aww thanks!" Anna said.

"Hey Caspar here are the keys to our house go and check on a Gemma for us." Brad said handing the house keys to Caspar.

I took the keys and went to go find Joe.
"Joe?! Joe!?!?" I called.
"Boo!" He screamed behind me.
I jumped and he laughed.
"Stop it! Come on we are going to look after Gemma."
"Gemma? Who's Gemma?"
"Anna's pet Jaguar."
"That big thing!?"
"She's harmless!" I said reassuringly.
"You sure Casp?" He asked concerned.
"Yea we'll be fine!"

Joe's POV

I still wasn't sure if looking after Gemma was a good idea. I mean. She's a bloody jaguar for goodness sake.
Maybe we should ask Oli if he wants to come and help us. Ooh maybe I could vlog it. Yep that's what I'm gonna do.

When we got there Caspar called Oli and I took out my vlogging camera.

"What is up guys. Today I am going to be looking after Vamps' new pet for the day.
Well I say the Vamps but it is actually Anna's, the girl the adopted, pet. And you wouldn't believe what it is!"
We walk inside to find Gemma lying on the couch watching a nature program on TV!
We walk into the lounge and Gemma turns her head and growls.
"Gemma...easy girl. We were sent here. We not gunna take anything!" Caspar said handing her a chew toy.

"That is right guys!" I say to the camera, "The Vamps got Anna is jaguar for her birthday
Her name is Gemma. She is so lovely. Aren't you Gem?"
She gets up and walks towards me and rubs her big head against my leg almost knocking me over.
She gets back onto the couch and starts to watch more of the nature thing on TV
"Gemma? Did you turn the TV on and turn to this channel?"
She nods and turns onto iCarly.
"Gemma! You're a bloody genius!"
Then she turns back to her nature channel.

Sorry if this was a short chapter. Hope you a loving this story. Thank you soooooooooooooo much for nearly 1K reads!
Also go and check out all of my best friends stories.
bookdemon LeopardGurl27 and saffronshiels love them so much.
Please check them out! Love y'all!

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