Video with Caspar Lee!

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Caspar's POV

I am so happy Anna wants to be in a video with me. She will be the guest star and answer questions about The Vamps and stuff.

I go on Twitter and type
#Casp&Anna. Q and A with Anna McVey!

Loads of qustions, dares and would you rathers showed up.

We went into Anna's room and started recording for the video.

"Hi. My names Caspar Lee and today I'll be joined by..."

"Anna McVey!" She says beaming.

"And today We will be doing a Q and A! I asked you all the send in some questions with the hashtag casp&anna and thanks to my awesome fans it trended world wide!"

"Whoop whoop whoop!" She cheered.

"Ok. So here's the first question. What is it like living with the Vamps?"

"Living with the Vamps is amazing. Any girl would love to be living my life. Not to be boating or anything." She added. "They are super nice aswell."

"Next question. Who is your favourite?"

"I dont really have a favourite because I love them all and they all love me. But if I had to choose a favourite I would choose Tris because he got my a Jaguar for my birthday. Can I get her?"

"Um sure."

She got up and hopped to the door.

"Gemma!" She called.

The Jag came into the room.

"This is my jag, Gemma. Isnt she just adorbs!?"

"She doesnt bite does she?"

"Not if you irritate her." Anna shrugged.

"Anyway next question. Are you coming on tour with The Vamps?"

"Yes I am. I am supes excited aswell".

"Who do you take your fashion advice from?"


"Scare one of The Vamps. Who should we scare?"

"Maybe Connor. Yeah Connor." She nodded.

Anna's POV

I grab my plastic spider and we go into the living room. Connor is on his phone sitting on the chair. I gently place the spider on his shoulder. We go and sit down on the couch.

"Connor whats that on your shoulder?"

Connor puts his hand up to his shoulder.

"Oh my god. What actually is that?"
He picks it up. And put it in front of him.

"A SPIDER! ahaha so funny. I knew it was a prank all along. You cant fool me!"

"Urgh. Youre too good!" I say.

We go back into my room and answer some more questions.

"How old are you?"


"What your favourite song of The Vamps?"

"Shout about it. I love the melody."

"If you could describe each of the Vamps in one word what would it be?"

"Um well Brad would be caring. James would be kind. Connor would be funny and Tris would be cool."

"This last question has nothing to do with the Vamps but name 6 of your favourite youtubers."

"Caspar, Joe, Nash Grier, Cam Dallas, Zoë and Maz."

"Ok thank you guys for watching this video join me next week for another VIDEO!"

That was amazing.

"So how was that?" He asked me.

"That was awesome! I really enjoyed it." I smiled.

"Told ya it is fun."

"Caspar!" I heard Joe calling from the lounge. "Caspar?!"

"Joe's calling you." I said .

"Lets go and see what he wants." Casp sighed.

We walked into the lounge and Joe was waiting for Caspar.

"Come on Caspar we have to go."

"Why?" He whined.

"Because its late!" Joe argued.

"Aww but I like it here." Caspar argued back.

"So do I. We can come back another day!" Joe chuckled.

"Bye Caspar. Bye Joe." I waved them off, as did Brad, Tris, Connor and James.

"See you later!"

That was a fun dayyy!!!!


Hope you enjoyed xx

Cba, with it todayyyy :(

But I love ya {:)

Dont be a silent reader.

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