Parks & Scary Movies

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 Ok, first off, I have no freaking clue what Calum is doing in the picture above...but I love it!! XD They are back at home now in England.

Chapter Title- Parks & Scary Movies

Anna's POV

I was at the park just swinging on the swing. Breathing in the fresh air. Getting things off my mind, like you do.

Brad said to be home before 5:00. No later than 5:10. I was fine with that. I just needed sometime to clear my head.

I thought about the orphanage and what had happened before the Vamps adopted me.
I shook at the thought.

I jumped out the swing and checked my phone for the time. 4:48 pm. It was already getting quite dark because ya know. . . Its winter.

I started walking home my face in my phone. Just looking at Instagram and things. I look up for a second just to see where I am. Then look back down. After a few more steps I banged into someone knocking them and myself to the ground.

"I am so sorry! Its all my fault I wasn't watching where I was going!"

"Its ok. Don't worry about it. It's partly my fault to." A deep voice said.

He stood up and helped me up.

"I'm Austin, Austin Mahone." He smiled.

"I'm Anna McVey." I smiled, too, "Well, Austin, See you around." I said.

"Hope to see you soon, Anna. Later," he smiled at me.

I walked home with a cheesy grin on my face. He was really nice. And after I knocked him over as well.

James' POV

"Anna your home early. You ok?"

She nodded, "I'm fine. Plus its like nearly 5 anyway."

She hardly ate any of her dinner. What's up with her?

 After dinner I went straight to Connor.

"She's thinking about stuff. Maybe like what her past was like. Anyway tomorrow Anna and I have to go to her singing lessons. Wanna come?"

"Yeah sure! I'll come." I said.

Last night I heard her crying in her room.
I knocked on her door, "Are you ok? Can I come in?"

She sniffled, "Sure."

"Are you ok?" I ask sitting on her bed.

She nodded, "Just a bad dream."
She looked down at her fingers.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask.

She shook her head, "Not really."
I nodded in understandment.

"Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" She asked breaking the silence.

"Sure. Let me just go and get my quilt."

Quickly I ran to my bedroom and grabbed my quilt.

I came back and grabbed the chair next to her wardrobe and sat next to her bed.

She smiled. I smiled back.

About 10 minutes later she fell asleep again.

I got cosy on the chair and fell asleep as well. To be honest, that chair is cosier than my bed!

I woke up in the morning by the sun's brightness and I checked my phone for the time. 9:23 am.

I yawned and stretched. I didn't realize that Anna was watching me stretch.

Adopted by The VampsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora