A chance

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Anna's POV

I let Melanie into the house. Even though I still dont completely trust her.

Gemma doesnt either. We make our way into the dining room where everyone was.

Austin came up to me, "Why is she here?"

"Im giving her another chance. Maybe she has changed!"

"Over the past 2 days?"

"That does seem a little crazy but give her time!"

"She has one chance. And thats it!"

"Ok fine." He huffed.

I walked over to Melanie.

"So do you want some cake?" I asked smiling.

"Um sure."

I cut her a slice of cake and we went outside.

Everyone was gathering around the stage. My new microphone set up to the speakers. A drum kit, 3 guitars set up as well. And another microphone.

Austin was standing at one of the microphones. And the boys chose the instuments they were able to play.

"You guys! Play a song!" James shouted.

"I don't sing in front of people!" I say shaking.

"But you sing in front of Tom,"Connor pointed out.

"Yeah. But thats different!"

"Please!" They begged.

I gave in and got up on the stage.
"What song do you wanna sing?"
"Any." I say.

"Um. How about a Vamp song?"

"Which one?"

"Wild Heart?"

"Okay, then."

I couldnt hold my crutches and the mike at the same time so I put my crutches down and put my arm on Austin shoulder to keep me up.

I was walking away. But she's beautiful it made me stay. Austin sang.

I don't know her name but I'm hoping she might feel the same. I sang.

So here I got again. She got my heart again.

We all sang the chorus.

Tonight we'll dance
I'll be yours
And you'll be mi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ine
We wont look back
Take my hand
And we will shi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ine.
Oh oh oh she needs a Wild Heart
She needs a Wild Heart
I got a Wild Heart.

Everyone clapped. Even Melanie.

We bowed and came off stage. I was breathing heavily after performing to those people.

If I couldnt cope performing in front of a little crowd how could I perform in front of millions?

I had to get this under control.
Melanie came over to me.

"You were great! I didnt know you could sing like that?" She smiled.

"Aww thanks." I was still breathing heaviy.

Gemma came up to me and she rubbed her furry body all over me.
I stroked the big kitty.

Gemma is like my baby. Just bigger than me and much stronger. Wait a minute. I still dont know who got me the microphone.

"Gemma. Get Austin please." I asked sweetly.

Gemma ran up to Austin, gently tugged on his jacket and pulled him towards me. He fell half way through and just let Gemma pull him along the grass.

"Can you help me find out who got me this please?" I said.

He just stood there smirking.

"What? You already know. Dont you!" I say, "Who is it?"

He walked away.

Brad came over to me.

"You dont know do you? Its him silly!"

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Its pretty obvious!" Brad chuckled.

Caspar Lee came over to me.

"Piggy back?" He said.

"Ok. Just be careful of my foot."

I got on his back and he ran all the way around the garden.

"Weeeeeee!" I shouted.

After about 20 minutes of bouncing up and down me and Caspar enjoyed a nice large glass of Lemonade.
How refreshing!

"Whats it like being a youtuber?" I asked.

"Well. I dont know but it is really fun. Do you want to make a video with me?"

"Really?" I said excitedly.

"Yeah. If you really want to!"

Omg. I am making a video with Caspar Lee!

I am so fricking excited!

End of the chapter, hope you enjoyed x


Adopted by The Vampsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें