XL - Wish For Death

Start from the beginning

Tai didn't say a word and followed Indianna silently as they made their way upstairs. Indianna led Tai to her bedroom. It no longer felt like her room, she couldn't remember the last time she had slept in here. "The bathroom is just through that door. Clean towels are in the cupboards. Help yourself to any clothes in the wardrobe. I think we're a similar size. Take your time. I'll be in Greyson's room down the hall."

When Tai didn't say anything Indianna took a step back, leaving her alone.

"Wait." Tai's voice was quiet and she turned to Indianna, but her eyes were on her blood-stained hands. "I wish I could take it back. I can't control myself. I'm a monster-"

"Please don't call yourself that," Indianna said.

"It's true. I can't be trusted-"

"Would a monster feel remorse?" Indianna asked, cutting Tai off. "Do you think Rogue feels remorse over his actions?"

"That is different-"

"You are not a monster, Tai," Indianna insisted. "You didn't do what you did on purpose. As you said, you lost control. What happened has happened, it can't be taken back. The only thing we can do now is focus on the present. Tai, will you help us now?"

It was a few moments before Tai acknowledged that Indianna had spoken. She pursed her lips and gave one sharp nod. "I need to wash this blood off of me," she said and turned on her heel and disappeared into Indianna's room.

Indianna made her way to Greyson's room next. The scent of him surrounded her when she entered and she closed her eyes, caressing her bump. She didn't want to go without him. Indianna swallowed the lump in her throat and changed out of the clothes she had been wearing for dinner. Once she was in sweatpants that covered her bump and one of Greyson's t-shirts, she hunted through his wardrobe to find a bag and placed it on his bed, looking around the room as a feeling of anxiety filled her.

She didn't know what to take. How many days would she be gone? Would she be coming back?

Indianna covered her mouth, the thought of not returning made her nauseous.

She sighed and shook her head, forcing herself to not think about that. Instead, she walked over to Greyson's wardrobe and pulled out a fistful of his t-shirts, stuffing them into the bag. She added underwear, leggings and a pair of trainers. She then wandered into the bathroom to collect some basic toiletries. Catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror made her sigh, she looked drained. There were dark bags under her eyes, a paleness to her ivory skin and her hair was in a constant state of frizziness.

Once she was packed she grabbed Greyson's jumper that was thrown on his bed and pulled it on, taking a deep breath as his scent captivated her senses. She hoped it wouldn't fade too quickly once she had left. She couldn't remember how long his scent had taken to disappear before. Indianna shook her head, forcing herself to push away the negative thoughts. She had to have faith in Greyson. She had to believe that he could defeat Rogue.

She made her way back to her bedroom, bag thrown over her shoulder. Tai was showered and dressed, tying her shoelaces when Indianna knocked and opened the door. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

Tai tied her damp her up and shrugged her shoulders. "I've just got to get used to being responsible for the death of yet another person."

Indianna sighed but didn't try to say anything to comfort Tai. She was learning that Tai wasn't the sort of girl that needed comforting or coddling, not when she was being stubborn with her thoughts. Indianna had to let Tai deal with this in her own way. "Shall we go back down?"

The thought of Ace made Tai instinctively reach up to touch her mark, it was sensitive under her fingertips.

Indianna gasped, spotting the distinctive mark on Tai's collarbone. "Ace... Did he mark you? I assumed he'd want to wait-"

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