The truth

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Jhope Pov:

I took jungkook to his room and stayed with him we can hear Namjoon shouting at taehyung what he was doing in school.

JK: h-hyung who is that?

Oh sh*t i forgot jungkook never saw taehyung i know they will be meet some time but not like this.

J Hope: h-he is your last  elder brother Kim Taehyung Jungkook ah~~

Jungkook looked shocked for a moment. i heard namjoon shouting at tae becoz he slapped someone!!? thanks to my sharp ears i was able to hear this otherwise i wouldn't know. but why the hell did tae do something like that. i went out of the room leaving an shocked an dazed jungkook.

now i can clearly hear what they are saying.

Namjoon seems to be really pissed

and i am really disappointed at taehyung.

I always felt proud of my younger brother becoz no matter what taehyung always do everything to make the children life success.

when dad first left company to taehyung we all was shocked and worried how taehyung will take care of it. but taehyung was full of surprise he actual bring that school from the ground to the height no one could ever reach.

students all over the world comes just to study here. but you may think the fees are high? no the fees are affordable to even low class men like labor and many scholarship programs also provided.

but one condition after the students start their job and if there income is more than xxxx dollars they have to give 5% of income for 15 months though it may be unfair but Hike school has many opportunities and each student who studies here got into good college and become recognized by many company within three years taehyung made this school has a brand known for everyone in the world.

so when Namjoon said about the minho kid i was really shocked.

i went inside sighing.

i saw jungkook looking with a pout.

Jhope: *chuckles* What happened kook ah?

Jk: Why Namjoon hyung shouting at tae hyung?

i sign and debated to whether to tell him or not but choose to tell him after all he is one of the family and we can't hide everything from him otherwise he will feel like 3rd person.

so i told everything.

his face gone from shock to a really angry pout.

Jhope: *chuckles* Now what happened big bunny

JK: I am angry at hyung

Jhope: *sign* i know you are angry at tae hyung baby i know what he did is wrong-

JK: No i am angry at Namjoon hyung * pout *

i looked at him confused

Jhope: *confuse* Why Kook ah ~

Jk: hyung shouting at tae hyung without knowing anything.

now i looked even more interested to know

Jhope: What do you mean kook ah?

Jk: Hyung you won't know how cool taehyung hyung was you know i saw a boy who was bullying.......




I left from the room after jungkook explained everything to me.

now i feel really guilty.

for a moment i felt really ashamed for blaming my own brother and sad and disappointed at Namjoon who was still shouting at tae.

i smiled at how jungkook looked excited when he was talking about taehyung like he was hero. but at the same time i felt sad thinking that's not how taehyung think of jungkook.

i sign and went downstairs.

i saw taehyung was not here but Namjoon was talking to jin about how bad taehyung behaved and even a teacher clarified it to be true.

of course its true but that's not the whole truth.

so i stepped in enough. Namjoon can't blame my baby brother without knowing the whole truth.

Jhope: But did you ask Minho directly what happened? or the other students why taehyung did that?

for a moment they looked at me shocked.

RM: of course hobi Minho father personally talked to granpda-

Jhope: I asked did. you. ask. Minho.

everyone looked really shocked becoz they have rarely seen me this serious.

Rm: I-i didn't but-

Jhope: Namjoon ah~ whatever you said was true taehyung did slap Minho and he did said those words to Minho and also changed his department.

Rm: see! i don't know what's the problem of h-

Jhope: That's it Namjoon You didn't know the problem you just know the pieces.

Namjoon frowned even other looked confuse.

Suga: What do you mean Hobi.

Hope: Hyung just now jungkook said to me what happened in the school he saw the whole thing happened there.

all looked shocked about my statement. i told them everything jungkook said to me about Minho bullying, about Minho's bastard of father.

at the end Namjoon looked really guilty that he was ready to break down. Jin was also guilty but was fuming at Namjoon for blaming tae.

Jin: KIM NAMJOON. how dare you huh!? aren't you a lawyer you should have analysed the whole situation you just heard some of your stupid statemnts and came here blaming our baby brother!?

Jin:  god!! he didn't even eat for the first time in the month he actual came down to eat with us but you just shooed him away!! *mad*

Suga: yay Namjoon ah~ now don't cry just go and talk with taehyung!! NOW!! and i don't know what you will do You won't get to eat unless taehyung eat UNDERSTAND!

Namjoon nodded and left towards taehyung's room

i signed and hoped everything get over soon i don't want to see my 2 brothers fighting




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