⍟Chapter 2⍟

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I was lying in the bed thinking about how my mom looked like coz i never seen her and when I Used to talk about her with dad he used to ignored me and beat me up.

"Mom.. WHY did u die? Why did u leave me alone? Do u know mom there's noone in this world who's kind to me except for my friends and now they are also away. I never saw u and met u mom and I Really miss u so much.This world is cruel mom this world is so fucking cruel." I started crying on my knees when a tall figure opened the door and entered inside.

I saw the figure bringing first aid kit for me and she came forward for dressing my wound.
"Runaway once u get well soon if u don't want to die." said the servant.
" w-what?? Die? Runaway? But how will I die?"
"Master is a mafia and he's really dangerous."
"what?? Mafia?"
"yes, mafia. That's why I'm telling u to runaway."
"but he seems really kind... How can someone this kind kill someone?"
"You're wrong darling. His kindness is just for few days. It won't last long. He's being kind because he's trying not to harm or hurt you."

I looked at her and said" What Should I do then?"

"Well either runaway or obey what he says. If u disrespect him and made him angry then even the heaven can't save you from him."

I got panicked and I wanted to runaway from here too but I was barely able to walk properly so all I had to do was to obey him and respect him. So I did whatever the servant said.


" What do u mean u couldn't find her? What will we tell to her dad? That she ranaway and we couldn't do anything?" ???? Said.

"sorry boss but we were too late till we reached there."

"I don't know anything. Find her in a day otherwise you all are dead and will be out of this job. And if u didn't find her then get ready for your punishment after that."???? Said.

"ok boss we'll go and find her. C'mon guys let's go and find her."

"Take this and inject it in her if she argue a lot. And make sure u bring her and then comeback. She should be here with us."??? Said. And they left.

Ni-ki- You know the boss will kill us if we didn't get her.
Heesung: I know! We need to find her at all costs.
Jake: But where could she be at???
Heesung: Don't worry about that. U know boss had put a chip on her which even she can't find.
Jake: So?
Heesung: That chip is basically a tracker. We can track her location.
Jake: Oh.. I didn't know! Let's track her then! Heesung: Then What are we waiting for.


"Do u really want to go to the park." NJ said.

"Yeah. Don't worry I'll just sit down on a bench and take the fresh air coz i really need that."

"alright I'll send my guards with you.One of my guard Lisa will go with you.so stay with her." NJ said.

I nodded and came to park with Lisa.

"Do u really love the fresh air that much?" Lisa said.

"Who doesn't. Afterall It refreshes you and keeps u positive."

"yeah that's true. let's have some ice cream. Which flavour u want.?" Lisa said

"I want chocolate."

"okay I'll go and get that."

Lisa Ran to get the ice-cream when I saw Two men approaching me.I got up and started to run but they caught Me and I couldn't let go of their grasp.

"leave me. What are u doing. I said let me go."

They held on me tightly and injected something in me because of which I fainted.

"Let's go and take her." said Jake.

Lisa came back and panicked when she didn't see me sitting there.

"Shit! What will I say to master now??He'll kill me."


Nj: What? What do u mean u can't find her?
Lisa: Sir I'm really sorry!
Nj: I told u stay with her why did u leave her! Didn't I tell u that I'll let her go once she gets well soon?
Lisa: You did sir! But I didn't plan on making her escape. I just went to get ice-cream for both of us and when I came back I didn't find her.
Nj: Now what will you do? She can't even go to her own home.
Lisa: I'm really sorry sir!it won't happen again.
Nj: Again? We lost her and u are saying it will not happen again. Go to ur room right now I'm going in an important meeting I'll talk to you later.
Taehyung: What happened? Is everything alright?
Nj: Yeah! Lisa lost Y/N and can't find her.
Taehyung: Wait what?
Nj: Yeah! I told her to stay inside for now. Will talk to her after the meeting. Let's go for the meeting now it's getting late.
V:But can I ask you something?
Nj: what is it?
V: Why are u caring for that gurl?
Nj: I told u I kill my targets nit someone who is kind like her and specially when her dad sold her to mafia and has no mom.
V:Alright. So u're protecting her?
Nj: Absolutely. Now let's go.


I opened my eyes and saw myself tied up on the bed.

"What? Why am I here in this hell again."

I tried to get up but realised I was tied up when I saw a tall figure appearing in front of me.

Jay: Hello babygirl.Long time no see? Where have u been huh? U know how much i was worried for You.

"why do u even care? Why don't u let me go? Are u that scared of my father?" I said

Jay: Lmao scared and me? From ur dad? Lmao. He said as he was untieing me
No!it's just that you've been living with me and with us for a long time and I don't want to lose you.

"Oh lol." I Said as I Pushed him away.
"and since when do u care huh?"
Jay: since I got to know I'll be marrying you. Afterall you are my soon to be wife so I have a right to protect her.

I pushed him hard and said "Protect my foot" "And Who said I'm Going to marry you? My dad? Who is he to decide what is good for me or what is bad for me. Unless and until I won't get ready I'm not going to marry you."

Jay: Yes you are going to marry me because if u won't I'll make u suffer.

He slapped me on my face making it turn to red and tears came down my face. Yes I've been beaten up by him a lot of times. I don't even love him and that's the reason I wanna escape.

Will Y/N really get married to the mafia her father sold her to or will she escape and runaway back to those 7 boys who helped her?

What do u think will happen next?

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